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Thu, 31 Mar 2005 15:26:47 -0800
Jill Perry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I have a question for the ferret mommies and daddies.
I just recently RESCUED a ferret from a pet store in NH.  They had the
ferrets in wood chips!  My mother and I couldn't stand seeing the ferret
in that environment.  We bought and it seems to sneeze a lot while sorta
screaming, more like a whining.  Also she is rather small and I can
still feel a scab on her stomache from where I believe she was
neutered/descented.  She is also extremely skinny.  We brought her home
and shes been with us for almost a week now and seems to be doing a lot
better.  My question is does anyone know a way that i could fatten her
up a little better?  We are currently doing Duck Soup Therapy as I like
to call it.  Oh and thanks for the advice on getting my other ferret to
get along with her, the bigger one is being a lot more gentle, but she
still won't share her toys!!!
plenty of dooks to you all
[Posted in FML issue 4834]