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Sun, 30 Jan 2005 16:35:03 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (88 lines)
Early morning at the Rainbow Bridge has Muldoone at his appointed spot
awaiting the arrival of a little DEW ferret named Mandy.  The all-too
familiar breeze begins to pick up in intensity and it blows through
Mully's fur tickling across his whiskers and dancing on the backs of
his ears.  He then hears the sound of ferrety feet skipping across the
planks of the Bridge, the moonbeam express has brought another ferret
whose time was cut short.
Mully steps forward to greet the new arrival.  "Weltome to da Wainbow
Bwidge, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist Bwidge Gweeter."  Muldoone leans
forward offering his nose to the little DEW ferret girl.
The little ferret sits down and with eyes big and round she looks around
surveying her new surroundings.  "So dis be da Wainbow Bwidge she says,
I hab hears a wot 'bout it but neber knew it be so purddy.  Mr. Muldoone,
I be berry sick afore I comes here but I feels gweat now and to
prove her point Mandy leaps high in the air and goes into a silly
weasely-war-dance.  Does ebery fewet feel dis gud when dey gets here she
wants to know.
Yup Mully tells Mandy, when you gets here, ebery fewet be healfy, it
like we be obberhauls, da Boss fixes eberyting dat be wong on us, you not
sick, you not hurts, you can sees, you can hears, eberyting be working
when you gets here.
Mr. Muldoone, I not gets a chance to says gudby to my mommy and dat makes
me sad, can you helps me finds a way to say gudby to my mom Mandy asks.
Sur you can kid, we habs da refwecting pond here and you can goes dere
and sees your mom or you can goes to da far sideds of da wainbow and
peeks in on your mom and I shows you how to sends her a message.
Dat would be gweat Mr. Muldoone, since I not gets to say gudby to my
Just then Muldoone notices the new arrival Mandy tightly clutching a
small bag.  "Hey kid, what be in da bag Mully wants to know.
Uh nuffin replies Mandy, nuffin be in my bag.  But dere mustust be
sumptin in da bag, no fewet carries awound an emptity bag, come on,
wetts me see wattcha gots in da bag as Muldoone reaches out for the
little ferret's sack.
NO YOU CAN'T HABS ANY yells Mandy as she begins to back away, my mom
says not to wet you gets all my tweats!!  Tweats??  You gots tweats in
dat bag asks Mully with excitement in his voice.  Comeon, wets me habe
some pwease" pleads Muldoone as he once more reaches for the bag.
Just then Nanna comes flying down the path and leaps in between Muldoone
and Mandy the new arrival, still trying to wrestle her bag of treats
out of Mully's grasp.  "M U L D O O N E, shrieks Nanna, what are you
doing??!!  Turning to Mandy, Nanna smiles gently at her and explains it
is okay Mandy you don't have to share with Muldoone.
Turning back to Muldoone, Nanna gets nose-to-nose with him, what have I
told you about trying to get treats from the new arrivals, how many times
have I told you that is against the rules as a greeter."
Just as Muldoone is about to answer his boss, he is stunned to feel his
scruff being grabbed and then even more surprised as he was being drug
over to a mirror-tree, these are special trees that grow only at the
Rainbow Bridge, they have such shinny bark you can see your reflection.
"Now Muldoone, says Nanna, forcing him to take a look at his reflection,
I want you to take a good look at your belly and tell me if you think you
need treats."
Looking at his reflection in the mirror-tree bark Mully feels himself
beginning to turn red, it is not so much how big his belly is but it is
WHERE his belly is, his round jelly-belly was resting on the tops of his
"Nanna I wooks wike one of dose birds dat wears a bwack and white suits,
a penguineuine, I wooks wike I could hatches eggs on my feets.  My point
exactly Nanna informs Muldoone.  Something tells me you have been nabbing
treats from new arrivals for quite some time."
Nanna goes back to Mandy and puts a protective arm around the new
arrival.  "Mandy you come with me and I will help to get you settled.
We will go to fleece mountain and find you a new hammy and then I will
take you to the far side of the rainbow so you can send a special message
to your mom letting her know you arrived."
"Geewizzers exclaims Mully, maybe Nanna should takes a wook at da sizes
of her own bwelly in da mirrors."
I heard that Muldoone Nanna shot back as she and Mandy were making their
way down the path headed to fleece mountain.
[Posted in FML issue 4774]