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Tue, 26 Apr 2005 11:16:16 -0400
text/plain (55 lines)
My sweet baby is 7, and I know time is not on his side.  He has
adrenal/prostate problems and is on Lupron once a month, while I save for
his surgery.  This AM I found a large squishy lump in his tummy, rushed
him to the vet, the XRays are not definitive.  It's very large, but too
high to be his bladder or adrenal, they are thinking may an enlarged
kidney if his urine is backing up..... or it could be something else.....
They are doing bloodwork today, surgery is tomorrow (Wed) at 8am, unless
the bloodwork shows kidney failure, then all I'll be able to do is say
goodbye.  If surgery starts, and they find the worst, and he shouldn't
wake up, they will call me at work (and yes, I have to go, am looking at
$1300, single female, the usual mortgage and truck pyment) In fact the
truck is in the shop now (when it rains, it pours), and my daughter had
to take us to the vet's.  I should get it back tonight.
PLEASE keep my sweet sweet baby in your prayers!!  Rikki is my first
ferret, got him as a rescue, he plays, dances, does not bite, loves to
give kisses, plays in the shower with me, comes when he's called, and
loves Cheerios.  I m not ready to send him to the Bridge, but all I can
do is cry.... Supposed to be at work now, but I don't know if I can sound
perky on the phone when my heart is being ripped apart.  If anyone has
some positive energy they can send or a hotline to the Almighty, this is
where my baby is http://www petcarevabeach.com/ .  All I could do was cry
at the office as Rikki looked me dead in the eye, and started licking my
nose, like he was saying Goodbye Mom, but it's ok, and the lady vet (Dr.
Fox) had to leave the room, too.  I left him there so they could do the
bloodwork, but maybe i should have brought him home, said screw work
for today, and just stayed home with him, but I was afraid that if he
couldn't pee, I wouldn't be able to get him back there.  Mommies
shouldn't have to face these horrible decisions when their kids are
sick... and the guilt is killing me..........
Rikki, Rikki, mommy loves you, be strong my little boy, be strong...... I
love you so much!!
Jane and the 2 girls at home - BeBe (who has lymphoma through her body,
and is on Pred.)and FiFi :```(((
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Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends the animals.  Especially
for the animals who are suffering; for any that are hunted or lost or
deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death.  We
entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity and for those who deal with them,
we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words.  Make us,
ourselves, to be true friends to animals and so to share the blessings of
the merciful.  written by Albert Schweitzer
[Posted in FML issue 4860]