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Tue, 20 Sep 2005 22:00:42 EDT
Ruth Mccassie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (21 lines)
i am going to be posting thisin more than one place for any advice so
bear with me if you see it again.
i have a serious situation right now.  i think whitey--since he is
showing signs of nausea grinding his teeth when he eats--ate a lot of a
plaistic bag.  the same one i have had here for 2 months with no problem
for gracie.  of course i had no idea he was eating it as it only sounded
like they were playing.  now i know what some of the red was in his poop.
he ate alot though and i havent seen that much pass.  i have been pumping
him up with ferret lax and praying for a miracle.  there is no way i can
afford an operation.  years ago one of my ferrets had hairball
obstruction--i didnt know about preventative ferret lax--and the
operation was 800.  i am on disability so this is not an option.  i feel
very stressed right now.  these guys are giving me a run for my money.
makes me think gracie is sick or old as she sleeps alot and these guys
go and go like the energizer bunny.
[Posted in FML issue 5007]