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Fri, 15 Jul 2005 15:10:18 -0700
Robin JOnes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Well, I guess I am a CA rescue now.  I got my first one yesterday.  I
>am not quite sure if this big boy is a DEW or a light creamy, but he
>is georguous.  He lived in a small cage with no toys or bedding, just
>a bare cage too small to play in.
I have to respond to this post.  There is only one LEGAL rescue in CA.
That is FURR/CDFA (Ferret Underground Railroad Rescue/California Domestic
Ferret Association).  Coordinated by Hildy Langewis of Ferretware, we
are the only licensed rescue in the state.  When a animal comes into any
facility statewide we are contacted.  Plus private surrenders.  This
licens is held dear, and we don't want to do anything to jeopardize it.
If we lose this license, confiscated ferrets in CA would be euthanized.
Every so often someone pops up and says they are running a ferret rescue
in CA.  Generally because they have been called by someone who know they
have ferrets and asked them to take in another.  If this is what makes a
rescue, then almost every ferret owner would be considered a rescue.  In
reality what they are are kind hearted people that are taking in a ferret
that needs a home.  In California, when a person puts out that they are
a rescue, they could be putting FURR in jeopardy.  They don't know the
rules and guidelines that are set to us by the state.  And when these
same people ask for donations (yes this happens from time to time too)
they take away from the legitimate cause.
California is in a very shaky position.  Please be careful what you say
in regards to ferrets, and have respect for the programs that are already
in place.  Hopefully ferrets will be legalized this year, and this won't
be an issue any longer.
Robin Jones
Southern California Rescue Coordinator, FURR/CDFA
[Posted in FML issue 4940]