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Sun, 22 May 2005 17:00:21 -0700
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Ive just come across an organic, holistic animal care supplement that
Im going to try using with my Phoebe, to hopefully improve her
insulinoma condition, and am curious to hear if anyone else is trying /
has tried anything similar?  Its called: Pancrse & Glucobalance by
Azmira Holistic Animal Care
** Im still going to continue administering Phoebes .3mL (2x/day) dose
of Pred but my goal is to hopefully find an
organic/herbal/holistic/flower essence combination that would be gentler
on the ferrets system and possibly allow for a lesser dose of Pred (or
possibly even eliminate the Pred altogether?).
Im lucky to have 2 holistic animal care vet offices nearby who use only
non-traditional medicines (holistic, organic, natural, flower essence
products and acupuncture remedies) to treat animals and there are 2 other
vets also in the surrounding Seattle, WA area that use both traditional
and these non-traditional remedies for treatment as well.  Ive checked
out or spoken with nearly all of the vets at these practices and they
seem very passionate, professional, and knowledgeable about their
non-traditional, alternative approaches and all of them are also
certified in the use of organic and holistic pet therapies (although I
havent yet verified their credentials from which they received
certification) but none appear to be mystical, hocus-pocus people.
I havent yet officially had any appointments with any of these
veterinarians because they are somewhat costly (and Im currently
unemployed) but with the vets I have spoken to over the phone about their
experience with ferrets, only 1 of the vets has actually done treatments
on ferrets but the others are all willing to explore some treatment
options should I wish to proceed with any of them.  What I did do,
however, is get enough information over the phone and with some on-line
and textbook research, I found a product similar to what these holistic
vets would probably have prescribed or created.
Here is exactly what it says on the bottle and what the dosage directions
Veterinarians have noticed the temporary relief of symptoms associated
with pancreatic dysfunction and blood sugar problems including insulin
imbalance, lethargy, and fatigue esp.  after a meal.
Dose: 1 drop (not drop-ER, as its very concentrated) per 5 lbs. of body
weight.  Mix with small amount of warm water or apple juice.  Repeat dose
3-4 times per day, in between meals, for optimum results.  Extract can be
mixed into food, if needed, but do double dose to increase assimilation.
Certified organic ingredients: Fresh Devils Club Root Bark, Indian
Jambul seed, Fresh dandelion root and leaf, Fresh Uva Ursi leaf, Fresh
turmeric root, and grain alcohol.
Since Phoebe is currently on Pred, Im going to alternate giving this
product from when she gets her Pred so Im not giving the Pred and
natural supplement in the same feeding and will mix this one in with her
food, like I do the Pred.  Ive also been keeping a journal of Phoebes
progress, weight, food amount intake, etc.  since I adopted her last
October and will now add notes about the supplement(s), to track results
and hopefully positive progress.
If anyone has any suggestions, input, etc, please feel free to email me.
ALSO, a fellow ferret friend of mine highly recommended a product called
Self Heal by FES (manufacturer) that she uses for her own ferrets 
its a combination of flower essences.  Anyone ever heard of or used that
Thanks, Jennifer and the 3 Amigos
[Posted in FML issue 4886]