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Fri, 20 May 2005 11:00:22 -0400
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Ok here it goes on the deaf ferrets.  I'm not a pro at it that's for
sure.  I have learned a lot from the post over the years about my
babies & the support when one of mine would be sick.
I have learned it's the way you raise each one of them.  Deaf or not.
All mine are mf's from petshops when 8 weeks of age.  When I bought them.
they all were nippers.  Real nippers when there would be blood after the
biting & screaming sessions- that took awhile= just like when us humans
would bring those cute little puppies or kittens home for the first time.
Even went through this when my son got his first tooth & thought mom's
arm was a good place to practice on.
It's all about" discipline"
My Timmy is deaf.  Hubby will let him kiss him on the lips then will
give him a bite right after the kiss everytime.  Think he would learn.
but !!  Hubby will not correct him when he does this.
When mom lets him kiss on the lips all I get is kisses, no bites.  Why?.
Think he remembers the scruffing & the no's, & the blowing in the face &
more no's.  So it's in the training.  So it's dad's stupidity- "dummy as
I call it-if he enjoys he's lip's getting pierced each time" "duh".
When I'm standing doing something he will lay on his back, look up at me,
start to scratch at my legs.  If I don't pick him up then he will nip me
a bit.  This is his way of getting my attention.  And when all the others
climb in the drawers after a rough play to take their nap which he can't
figure out after over a year yet he will do this so I pick him up & he
will put his head on my shoulder & lay there for awhile like he is
special because the others are not around, which he still can't figure
out where they have gone.  To me he is a needy special fuzzy that needs
xtra attention & training.
As for any of the petshops.  No matter which ones.  The employees- all
the employees need educated on ferrets to educate the public so they
know what they are getting into before they take one of these cute little
furry critters home.deaf or not.
Believe me I know.  On my first one.  I didn't know anything except that
he was tiny & cute.  Got him home & now what- spent all this money on
him -is this the pet for me.  Good thing I'm an animal lover because
now we have the 6 pack.  He was the right pet for me.  Tim was my last-
didn't know he was deaf.  After 5 still wasn't educated enough.
So the people that work for the petshops need to be educated plus some
of the owners I have learned & the consumers.  Deaf or not they are all
equal as I see them.  The little deaf guys just take alittle bit longer.
Have a good week-end.
Mom Barb & 6 pack.
Tim enen knows no in signing- to me that's smart!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4884]