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Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:22:48 EST
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Choosing the food your feed your ferrets should involve a lot of
consideration.  Personally, I made the switch from TF because of the
rice flour( one of highest concentration of natural sugar) to something
with less carbs.  Anything sugary strikes my chord wrong but hey, that's
my personal opinion.  This includes TF, anything with raisen, bannana
juices or apples and especially rice.  In order to research a good food
(trials or not) you have to know what the ingredients are and what they
mean and what they can do to our ferrets system.  Just cause TF is made
for ferrets doesn't mean it's the best thing out there for them but
again, that's a personal view based on research I've done.
You can have feeding trials all you want but unless you consistantly
strive to research and improve your product to adapt to a animals actual
needs it's worthless.  Ferrets do not need carbs!  Cats don't need carbs,
dogs do.  I have not except for two brand of ferret food actually take
into consideration what a ferrets true carnivoristic needs are.  One my
kids eat everyday the other they won't touch.
I would love to try the EVO but I refuse to feed my gang anything with
sugar in it of any type.  Long term it's like feeding highly digestible
carbohydrate foods.  Okay for dogs but not cats and ferrets.  Everyone
has to make their decision based on their own personal research.  I
won't feed Evo..  I won't feed TF both for different reasons but that
goes with most of the other available ferret foods and treats out there.
I've love to feed whole prey..  I've tried and continue trying mice I
won't give up.
On the other subject..  I hate that we have to have lab animals.  Now
don't get me wrong I don't like animal testing for personal hygiene
products however animal research is very important.  I hate knowing that
it exist, but it does save human lives.
We all love our furry creatures and to think of what they may go through
makes me wanna hurl..  but it's necessary to save humans.  Animal
research has brought us so far in treatments for cancer etc.  I love my
animals, all of them.  I love all animals period.  I also love them for
their sacrifices knowingly or unknowling to help cure so many human
diseases that rob us of our loved ones.
Mom to 14 adoptee's and 2 Petco kids.
[Moderator's note: Yes, I know other people will write to say much
animal-based testing is worthless, methods used are often very poor
and even that if we want to test, let's do so on humans instead.  I
know from long experience on lists that people will say this.  And
I'll also say I'm not taking sides here -- both viewpoints have at
least some merit in my opinion.
So, you ask, why did I spout all that stuff?  Easy: so nobody else has
to.  That way we can continue talking about ferrets instead of getting
into another endless debate about testing performed on animals!  See,
I just saved everyone two weeks worth of headache?  OK?  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4834]