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Thu, 2 Sep 2004 12:12:18 -0400
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I really, really was done with this.  However, you called me out by name
and you posted anonymously so I am forced to respond to you on this list.
I will try to answer your points as best I can.
Point One:
>Here we go again guys.....it takes one person to start these petty wars,
>and all of US to try and stop them.  Goodness people - If we could all
>just "stop responding"
There have been very few negative posts to what I wrote or how I wrote
it.  Yours makes a total of three.  I am only responding to this post as
I was cited by name.
point 2:
>then the people who seem to think that they are the "ferret care
>experts" would use a bit more care when choosing their wording of posts.
I am by no means an expert.  I stated in my first post that I know what
having those kinds of accidents feels like.  This comes from having had
those kinds of accidents.  I do, however, learn from my mistakes.
Point 3:
>I know that I am guilty as sin of this little crime myself
Then please refrain.
Point 4:
>Mr. Owens has a right to own pets, just like you do.
No one is disputing that or suggesting that Mr. owings not own pets,
only that he give those pets the kind of care that they need.
Point 5:
>Karen, regarding your comment to Mr. Owens: Please try to remember
>that Mr. Owens probably already feels bad about his ferrets being
>lost/hurt/killed -
I know that Mr. Owings feels badly about the loss of his ferrets.  That
kind of loss is devastating.  Let me be totaly transparent here.  I have
lost two to escapes and consequent death.  Both times my ferret proving
was unproofed by someone else in the household.  I still hold my self
responsible.  The pain of those losses was so great that I sat in the
middle of the kitchen floor and screamed for hours, tears streaming.
When I wasnt screaming I was puking.  Did it ever occur to you that the
pain of a hard truth was less devasting than that kind of pain or that I
was trying to save MR.  Owings from having to go thru that type of pain
yet again?
Point 6:
>if you really wanted to help him, then emailing him privately - probably
>would have been the best way to "offer advice" -
I also wanted to protect myself.  Too many times things are taken out of
context and twisted.  I wanted folks to know exactly what I said, when I
said it and how I said it.  I do not hide behind anonyimity.  I do stand
behind truth.
Point 7:
>come out with: The continual losses and accidents is NOT NORMAL."" - How
>on earth could you possibly think that this ISN'T a flame?  My goodness -
>read your own words!  Your telling him that gosh, you don't mean to b e
>mean, but how do you want that "not normal" statement to be taken?  .
>Choose your words more carefully if you don't want them mis-understood.
Mr. Owings himself asked if the losing of ferrets for several days at a
time was normal.  How is my answering that it is not normal a flame?
Point 8:
>the above referenced sentence seems to me, to be a flame - just an
>"underhanded" one.
I dont do things underhanded.  I have been known, in the past, to be much
more blunt, much less diplomatic.  I do however have enough conviction
and courage to put my name to what I say and believe.  Unless you live
in CA. can you say the same?
Now, I really am done.  Please dont twist anymore of my words but if you
feel you must, feel free to email me privately, my name and email addy
are at the top of this post.  You can even do it anonymously by going to
yahoo and opening an anonymous account, like Always Anonymous.
Karen and the Scruff You Gang
[Posted in FML issue 4624]