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millie sanders <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:11:53 -0600
text/plain (29 lines)
Petsmart had a conference call with one of our members.  THey flat
said they did not have enough complaints to ignore the hugh demand for
ferrets.  We told of the over load on ferret shelters - they did not
believe this.  We also threatened that the ferret community would boycott
their stores, would buy from their competitor Petco - and many have other
animals they shop for supplies for (I alone have 3 Great Danes I use
their store food but can switch).  THis made them no nevermind.  For
comments of Petco selling ferrets - we already are to the brim of throw
away ferrets, we don't need another store and their throwaways.
They need more letter, hard copy letters and some threats to take all of
our business away.  Sure they can drag in a few impulse buyers, some may
dump their ferrets, others get to be good ferret owners and those good
ferret owners in time will search us out and when we go into the
recommendations, they will listen too.
If we want to stop this, we have got to get active EACH AND EVERY LETTER
COUNTS.  Write those letters, make those calls, email thier contacts
(and I might add, we have been having educational tables at several of
their stores for 2 years, we have no waiting period, havent registered
with them - we don't adopt from the store so they gave us a supply of
adoption papers to use when we do adopt so they get credit - they want
our support and to do what they want to do anyway.
Millie and her Exploding Drinking it up Cleaningcrew
Ferret Lovers Club of Texas
[Posted in FML issue 4702]