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Thu, 19 May 2005 20:03:25 -0700
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (168 lines)
Early morning at the Bridge has Mully scurrying around all over the
place, dashing here, dashing there, clearly looking for someone and
getting more ditthered by the minute.  Muldoone was overheard by several
ferrets asking if they were Bonnie or if they knew a ferret named Bonnie.
Seeing his friend in a quandry, Scoudder approaches to see if he can
help out.  "Mully old pal, what be da pwoblem?" Scoudder asks him.
"Scoudder, I no can finds a fewet I appose to checks up on.  Her
hooman-bean wants her checks up on and I no can finds her and I wooks
"Simmers down Mully Scoudder tells him, we will finds her.  Tells me when
she gets here."
"I not knows Scoudder, I only be askis to checks up on her, I not be
da one to gweets her but her mom want to kno how she be doin" Muldoone
explained to his friend.
"Ok Mully calms down, I not wants you to bwow da stwipes off yur furs,
we finds her Scoudder assures him.  Tells me where you wooks for her."
"Scoudder, I wooks ebberwheres for her, I not knows wheres else to wook
and I be in twouble if I not finds her, I hab to weports back wif her
hooman-bean" Mully tells his friend.
Off the two ferrets go in search of the missing ferret, stopping fromt
time to time to ask other ferrets if they knew her or had seen her and
each time they got the same answer; nope, not knows her and not sees her.
Before the dynamic duo knew it, they had spent a good portion of the
morning and still coming up with nothing.
"Scoudder, dis wowwies me, we shoulds found her by now, what am I going
to dooes?  Nanna will be berry upsets wif me if I not finds her and
weports back Mully tells his friend, we gots to keep wooking.  "
Looking every place the two ferrets could possibly imagine a ferret to
be, they were still coming up empty.  Feeling like a total failure,
Muldoone was dreading the thought of having to tell his boss he couldn't
find the missing fuzzy.  Just as they were about to give up, Scoudder
thought of one place she might be.
"Scoudder, I not tink she be dere Mully tells his friend, but we cans go
and wook and dat way we can says we wook ebberywheres for her."
Arriving at the NoFolks Village, there were ferrets all over the place;
running, playing, napping in the shade of a tree, other fuzzies napping
in hammies suspended from a tree limb, fuzzies playing chasies, fuzzies
getting a drink from the many 'Tone fountains, fuzzies snacking on
raisins and dates, and fuzzies just hanging out enjoying themselves.
"Hey wook, one ferret called out to the others, it be da guy wif da funky
fur" and immediately Mully could feel himself turning beet red.
"Da hair, dey always gots to make fun of da hair" Muldoone muttered to
Walking over to a large ferret who seemed to know her business and what
was going on, Muldoone asks her if there had been any recent arrivals.
"Recent arrivals the albino female repeats in the form of a question, do
you happen to know her name or anything about her" she asks Muldoone.
"She be a gurl fewet and her name be Bonnie and dat be all I knows 'bout
her Muldoone tells her but she hab familee and I not tink she comes here
to NoFolks Village."
"If she had hoomans then I doubt she would be here the albino female
agreed with him but I can check for you if you don't mind waiting."
"Dat be berry nice of you Muldoone tells her, we waits whiles you
The albino female approaches a group of ferrets and chats with them for
a bit and one in the group is nodding his head up and down and points
off in the opposite direction and the albino female hurries off in that
It seemed the albino fuzzy had been gone a long time when Muldoone hears
someone call out to him, "Hey hammy-head, Binnie wants you to follow her"
and Muldoone realizes it was the same fuzzy who had made the crack about
his hair when they first arrived at the village.  Looking to see what the
fuzzy was point at, there stood the large albino female waiting for them
to catch up with her.
"Follow me boys, I think I know where this one is you are looking for
and by the way, my name is Binnie and I help to watch over some of the
younger ones when they first arrive here, some of them are real trouble
when they first get here but that is because of the things they went
through before arriving here but it doesn't take long for them to realize
no one here is going to hurt them and the is love abound for everyone."
"It be nice to meets you Mz Binnie, I be Mr. Muldoone, and I be
officialist Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter and dis be my pal Scoudder.  I appose
to checks up on Bonnie and weports back to her hooman but I no can finds
her and I get in twouble wif Nanna if I no finds da fuzzy Bonnie."
The large albino ferret known as Binnie stops short and her eyes are big
and round as she asks Muldoone, "You know Nanna, you mean Nanna that
wears a bright red apron with big deep pockets and she keeps them full
of raisins, is that the Nanna you are talking about?"
"Yes mam Muldoone tells her, dat be Nanna and she bees my boss."
"So what has Nanna been up to lately Binnie asks, is she still as bossy
as she always was?"
"Mz Binnie, I not knows how bossy she usta be but she bees pwenty bossy
Muldoone informs her and I no wants to get in twouble wif her, she can
bees scarry."
Arriving in an area that seemed to be ferret nursery school, there were
oodles of kits of every color combination.  "Winston you come down from
there this instant a young male ferret was told who was climbing a tree
and you Kelly, give him his crochet egg back" she tells another.
Pulling a lacy hankie from her apron pocket and mopping her brow, the
ferret noticed the trio of onlookers; Binnie, Scoudder, and Muldoone.
"Hello she greets them with a laugh, tell me you came to volunteer for
the day."
"Uh no sorry Binnie tells her, we are looking for a ferret named Bonnie.
Do you know her or know where we could find her?"
"I am Bonnie and if you are here about the male kit I put in time-out,
he deserved it, he bit one of the girls on the tail after he had been
told to stop doing that.  Have you ever tried to watch over a bunch of
male kits who have discovered what their teeth are for besides eating?"
Binnie asked the three ferrets.  Muldoone and Scoudder each were blushing
at remembering all the silliness they each had done at a young age.
"So you are Bonnie, recenly arrived here at the Bridge?" Binnie asked
"Yes, that would be me" Bonnie told her.
Muldoone cleared his throat and stepped forward.  Mz Bonnie, I be gwad we
finds you, we wooks ebberwhere for you, what you doings here at NoFolks
"Well the day I came, I was asked what I liked to do best and I said I
liked being a mommy and I was transferred here immediately.  I was told
I could do all the mommying I wanted to Bonnie informed them.  Mr.
Muldoone, who sent you to check up on me, I hope my work has been
"Mz Bonnie, I be askid by your hooman-bean to checks on you" Muldoone
told her.
"My human sent you to check on me?"  Bonnie asked and her eyes filled
with tears at the thought of her loved ones.  Mr. Muldoone, please tell
them I miss them and love them very much but I am needed here.  So many
come here and they don't understand that not all humans are bad.  I like
to gather the young ones together and tell them how wonderful my familee
was to me and how much love they gave to me."
Just then a little blaze girl comes running up and informs her "Mz
Bonnie, dat mean one be biting da gurls on da tails 'gain, pwease come"
and off she dashes.
"Well as you can see, my work will never be done here, please tell my
familee I am doing fine and I miss them very much" and with that Mz
Bonnie was off to take care of the most recent kit crisis.
Caring for your ferrets at Rainbow Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 4883]