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Wed, 16 Mar 2005 09:19:42 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
Arriving at the Bridge and taking his appointed spot, Muldoone senses the
warm gentle breeze beginning to blow.  There was always a breeze that
blew just before an arrival, a soft warm breeze that danced through his
whiskers and softly and lovingly caressed the backs of his ears just like
his hooman-mom used to do for him, a breeze that contained the same warm
peaceful sensation he got every time his human held him and scritched
under his chin.  Mully let the breeze dance across his nose and in his
whiskers as he closed his eyes, feeling a special sadness for the fuzzy
that would be arriving shortly.  He felt sad for the hooman-beans that
were left on earth with an aching heart along with fuzzy friends that
were left behind when a cage-mate or best buddy lost the battle and had
to come here.
Hearing ferrety feets coming across the Bridge, Muldoone immediately
stepped out to greet the new arrival.  "Welcomes to da Wainbow Bwidge,
I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist Bwidge gweeter."
"Hello Mr. Muldoone the little girl ferret says.  My name is Purdy Gurl
and it be so nice to meet you."
Purdy Girl sits down and looks all around at her new surroundings.  As
far as the eye could see, the Rainbow Bridge had everything a ferret
could possibly want; hammies hanging in trees, hammies hanging from
frames, and even hammies that seemed to be suspended from the clouds,
sleep sacs here and there in all different sizes and colors.  Tubes of
every size, shape, and color ran everywhere.  She could hear the babbling
'Tone streams, there were treat dispensers dotting the landscape, and
best of all there were angels everywhere; angels sitting and holding
fuzzies, angels brushing fuzzies, angels giving chin scritches, even
angels allowing themselves to be chased by fuzzies.
"Mr. Muldoone, my mamma be berry sads dat I comes here and I be wurried
bout her.  Is dere anyting you can dooes to help wif her broke heart?
the little girl wanted to know.  I hears someone say dat I sees my
hooman-beans again.  Is dat twue?  she wanted to know 'cause I misses
dem alweady" and her eyes misted at the thought of her familee.
"Oh yes!  You will see them again.  When it is be deir time, dey will
comes and one day you all be togedder 'gain.  It be twue, I pwomise".
"I wishes dat I sees dem 'gain" she sighed.
You cans!, said Muldoone, I shows you how.  Weally???, her eyes lit up.
"Sur, come on, he said, leading her to the edge of the rainbow.  We hab
ways to sees our familees, you cans sees dem from here, yous can sees dem
from da weflecting pond or froms my favowite spot.  Come on", he put out
his paw for hers and holding it tight he leapt out into the stars.
Purdy Girl gasped, "But how.....Why we not falls?".  Her eyes were very
big and round.
"Umm, I not knows, but we not fall.  You can goes all ober da pwace, eben
back to earf to bisit sometimes.  Here we are!
Still holding Purdy Girl's paw they landed gently on the moon.  Purdy
Girl looked down on the earth and sighed.
"You habe to sees dem wif your heart Mully told her, just wook at da earf
and tink wal hards and den you sees dem in your mind."
Purdy Girl did just that and let out a gasp, "Dere she is!  Oh, Muldoone,
she be cuying!  Momma, don't cwy.  I be here mamma."
"She not hears you Muldoone told the little girl ferret.  Purdy Girl
turned to face him, the tears welling in her eyes, Why I not makes
her feel better?  I used to make her feel better all da time."
"She be sad now acause you had to weave and comes here.  Dat why she not
hears you."
"Den how can I makes her hears me?"
"You hab to tink weally hard like dis and Muldoone pursed his whiskers
and began to concentrate.  He held Purdy Girl's paw and she felt him turn
his thoughts to his humans and she felt him turn his thoughts to earth.
They both concentrated as hard as they could and then something amazing
happened; they saw Purdy Girl's mamma smile for no reason.
"Sees I tolds you so, when you tink weally hards bout dem and sends dem
all your wove in your hearts, dey feels it from us and dey feels happy."
Purdy Girl thought again about her mamma and she concentrated hard and
sent all her thoughts towards earth.  Her mind reached out and touched
her mamma Ada and whispered to her heart, "I woves you mamma and pwease
don't be sads."  Purdy Girl then saw in her mind's eye mamma Ada looked
up and smiled and she felt her love wash over her.  I be here momma and
I waits for you."
Muldoone took the little girl ferret by the paw and gently led her back
to the ferret village at Rainbow Bridge.  Along the path he glanced down
at her and noticed the big brotherly look of love she returns to him in
her gaze.  Scooping the wee-one up and carrying her in his arms he huged
her close and tells her "yous be ok, I watches ober you."
[Posted in FML issue 4819]