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Mon, 7 Mar 2005 01:25:24 -0500
SaraFerret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (104 lines)
Hi all dis is SaraFerret.  Today I is doing a special greeting which is
unusual as I donts get to do many gweetings anymore.  Anyway Mommy Missy
wrotes and requests specially for me to gweet her furdaughter, Bonnie
Ferret.  So, I gets to tells you all what happens.
De other day, I was dere at de gate of de Rainbow Bwidge with Max, Ziggy,
And Levon furbrothers of Bonnie who we hears was on her way over.  Den we
all sees dis beautiful ferret prancing across de bwidge on tippy-toes
like a ballerina (dictionary again)--and we all thoughts she best be
careful or she mights pirouette off de bwidge (dictionary again--sures
gets heavy carrying dat around).  She was just so pretty like a fwagile
little flower.  Den we starts yelling Hey Bonnie, cool it or yous is
gonna bounce right offa dere.  She has a shocked look on her face and
blushes--geesh she turns red and we can see its from here giggle.  Den I
guess we scares her as she stops still and starts crying--I am so scared
so I runs out dere and we bounces de rest of de way across.  We alls
apologizes for scaring her.  And den she looks at me and says Who ary
I is Ms SaraFerret one of de gweeters here at de Bwidge.
Uh-mmm why are you dwessed like dat--Is never seen a ferret dat looked
like you.  Well a big tear fell fwom my eyes, followed by lots of tears.
Oh she said I didnt mean it--forgive me--I is so bad--forgives me--I
oftens opens my mouth befores I puts my mind in gears.
Sniffling I accept her words.  I tells her dat when I cames to de bwidge
I had no hair except a tiny bits of fuzz on my face (but my mommy loved
me as naked and smelly from dat lympho stuff in spite of all dat)--but
Sandee the chief gweeter had given me an outfit which had changed over de
years to a pink pith helmet with netting no less and pink shirts and pink
shorts and sometimes tennis shoes (pink of course).  I hads a real bad
habit of biting peoples without warning but dat it was gone now but de
Boss was so happy wit how Is looked dat He left me dat way and den last
Christmas He gives me a fluffy tail.
Oh she said--Wowsie what a gorgeous tail--its always brushed it looks
like--yep I tells her its de only vain ting about me.
Well Bonnie and her business was so happys to see each other dey wanted
to take her to dere new home.  Wait, I say and dey all stood still.
Business first, gotta get Bonnie signed up in de Boss's book and so we
twotted over to de big pwace where kits and older lady ferrets in charge
make de wings and halos and hammies.  When Bonnie saw dis she went
WOWSIE! how will I ever choose.
Okay Ms Merry Ferret one of de elderly ferret ladies came over wit a
special new outfit for Ms Bonnie.  Just perfect for her.  A soft
orange--very pale almost golden pair of wings wit no glitter, but it
sparkled and it had ribbons entertwined thru them (I can foresee a new
fad for de girly furries beginning wit de ribbons).  And we stwaps dems
on her and dey just fits.  And of course de beautiful halo with ribbons
entertwined and hanging fwom it.  Hmmmm--what did was de Boss tinking of.
Dere will be girly ferrets demanding ribbons--I can just see it.
And she twies it on and it looks beautiful and she twirls round in de
outfit and she does look like a ballerina angel furry style of courses.
And de Hammie was just in tune wit dose tings.  A bwight golden hammie--
and a handful of blue ribbons for Ms Bonnie to entertwine her hammie wit.
Oh Bonnie says I is just so happy, but I feels so sads dat I left Mommy
Missy cwying--
I tells her dat she can always see Mommy tru de reflecting pool and later
when she gets tru probation she can slide down a comet tail and sneak up
when Mommy Missy sleep and whisper sweet dooks in her ears.  I do dat to
Mommy all de time but I wakes her ups as I has to have her write all I
tells her--no wonders dat my Mommy is always tired.
We all gather around singing in one big circle and dancing and den de
boys do a special one of a kind war dance in Ms Bonnie's honor And den
we twotted offs to dere new pwace.
And dere it was a beautiful golden castle (well not really but close)
made of twigs of forsythia (dictionary agains) and yellow flowers and all
sorts or golden and orange bright with color and blues--and dey picked up
Ms Bonnie and carrys her across de door way.  And de boys runs and puts
up her hammie and sets up de food and kibble and iced tea (all ferrets
love iced tea and pepsi--my mommy said my free roaming days I always got
to her pepsi buts when I dwank it spills it all over chairs--Mommy very
unhappy den.) Oh and of course cookies were out.  And fwiends dropped in
and where did every one come from even some otters were dere--I tought
dis was a far distance for dem to be but oh well.  Apparently Paulie
Otter had fallen in love wit de vision of Ms Bonnie when shewas dwessed
in gold and was determines to be her gentleman fwiend.  Oh wow, he was
tongue tied (unusual for an otter) and he presented her wit a bouquet
of gold tinged with red roses in a vase and he kisses her on de paw.
Oh-oh I can see a big romance.  So Mommy Missy Bonnie and Paulie are a
couple--purely platonic but you can see de lovelights dancing in dere
eyes.  Ah romance!
Bonnie wants Mommy Missy to knows dat she is so happy and for her nots to
cwy as she wills be seeing her tru de reflecting pool and Mommy can see
her special star wit de orange ribbons hanging from it in de sky--dat way
Mommy will know dat Bonnie is ok.  So Mommy Missy when you reads dis be
sures to catch de kiss she sent along wit dis letter-be careful dey will
get away if you dont gwab dem right away.  And be sure to catch her love.
Hugs, dooks, and most of all Peace On Earth
Ms SaraFerret
[Posted in FML issue 4809]