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Tue, 1 Feb 2005 10:23:17 EST
Sharon L Butz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
Hi I have posted only once before, but I have some questions and I have
already asked my vet when I had them in and he's declared them healthy...
I have three ferrets, two males and a teeny female.  They're all
approximately two years old.  They're Marshall's and the pet store isn't
the greatest at keeping up with ages.  My males were returns and the
store tried to tell me they were 6-8 weeks, my vet said more like 5-6
months--going way off topic of my questions...
I feed them Path Valley Chicken and rice mixed with Iams kitten food.
Been doing it for awhile now.  My 's poop is odd.  It gets like this
sometimes, but reverts back to normal after some time.  which is why my
vet said that they're fine.  He thinks they're eating foreign food.  But
I have been very very careful with them the past two months and I KNOW
they aren't eating people food.  My big boy, Atley, a silver--his poop
looks like little balls tiny tiny balls all clumped together.  My smaller
boy, a silver too--his is runny and mucusy.  I am not sure which (I
haven't caught the culprit yet) isn't pooping in a pile, he's pooping and
walking away from it.  It reminds me of diarrhea...I am worried because
my smaller boy, Memphis, is acting odd.  They all are playing normally,
but Memphis tires out and just goes into a corner and lays.  When I get
home the other two wake and up and are ready to get out, where Memphis
just lays in the hammock for some time after the others are out.
Sometimes in the past their digestive systems have gotten wonky due to
overindulgence of their stolen goods--wheat thins, bread and chocolate.
Leaving things like this out on tables and counter tops where thiefing
ferrets wait.  But I have removed the objects after hide and seek time is
over and they have stopped the weird pooping.  It just doesn't seem to be
working itself out though.  They all are eating normally and drinking
water like usual.  They're climbing and playing and getting into trouble
like normal.  Memphis is just lethargic and Atley's poop is grossing me
out hardcore.
I like my vet, he said he's worked with ferrets before.  I am just not
sure what to ask, or where to go to find out.  I know that you're not
vets but any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks!!
[Posted in FML issue 4776]