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Sun, 16 Jan 2005 17:35:55 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (58 lines)
Early morning at the Bridge finds Muldoone giving his ballcap one final
adjustment trying to hide his hammy-head-hair before heading to the
Bridge.  I not knos what da Boss be waitin on, I be askin for Him to
fixes my hair but he not do it yet.  Nanna not wike my ball cap but she
not like my hammy-head-hair eben more.  Maybes I sends da Boss anodder
notes bout it.
Ariving at the Bridge, Muldoone thinks about the latest fuzzy due to
arrive, a wittle gurl fewet named Razz.  She be sick for a while,
someting called cancer dat he no unerstands.  It be a sad time whens a
fewet comes to da Bwidge, sads but a happy time too; a fewet dat be sick
and hurtin, it be a rewief to come to da Bwidge, they no hurts anymore.
For older fewets with achy bonz, da Bwidge be bof a happy and sads time,
dey misses deir familee dey weaves ahind on earf but dey wike da it dat
dey hurts no more and be youngs gain.  Some fewets awived missing deir
earf familee so much dey wants to goes back to a sick body and da pain
so dey cans be wif deir hoomans gain.  But all fewets awiving at da
Bwidge, dey keeps da memories of deir familees cwose to deir hearts.
Mully remembered clearly the day he arrived at the Bridge, he had not
been sick, he was still young but he was in an accident that brought an
end to the number of days he would spend with his earth family.  He
remembered being upset when he was told he would have to remain at the
Bridge, he would not be going back to live with his hooman-beans he loved
so dearly.  He also remembered being sad especially when bedtime came
and his mom was not there to carry him off to bed, he missed the bedtime
cuddles, kisses, and how his mom's hair smelled but then he met other
ferrets who showed him how to to go visit his mom in her dreams.
Actually the hooman-beans "think" they are dreaming the visit but all
ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge know how to jump on a moonbeam and ride it
back to earth and have one more visit, one more snuggle time with their
beloved family members.
The little girl ferret Razz stepped off the end of the Bridge and
Muldoone offered her his nose in a friendly greeting.  Hi, I be Mr.
Muldoone, officialist Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter.  The little ferret blinked
her eyes and looked all around, taking in the sights of all the beautiful
flowers, trees, the sounds of birds chirping, the babbling brooks that
ran nearby.  I be here she said, I weally be here she said excitedly and
I no wonger hurts, I not hurts at all and as if to prove it, she leaped
in the air giggling.
Mr. Muldoone, the little girl Razz starts to speak, my mom Terri be
berry berry sads dat I comes here and I misses her.  Me knos Mully tells
the wee-one, yur mom sends a message to me and say dat she woves you
berry berry much and dat yur pops, Daniel, and Auntie Beth woves and
misses you too.  I cans shows you how to go and bisit your mom in her
dweams.  Will I gets to see all da odder fewets too Razz wants to know.
Uh yeah, you gets to sees dem all.  Come on kid, wets finds you a hammy
you wike and den I shows you wound da Bwidge".
Muldoone takes the little girl ferret by the paw and gently leads her
along the path glancing down at her and noticing the big brotherly look
of love she returns to him in her gaze.  Scooping the wee-one up and
carrying her in his arms he hugs her close and tells her "yous be ok, I
watches ober you".
[Posted in FML issue 4760]