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Tue, 26 Oct 2004 23:48:59 -0400
"~*Jules*~" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (139 lines)
Hey all!  Hope you enjoy part three of the second Grand Ferret
Adventures.  My mom thought that I should just mention that my stuff is
copyright (or is it copywrite?) to me.  So if there are any lurking story
stealers out there, you better keep your eyes off my story! :-P not that
I think any of the wonderful FML people are out to steal my writing, but
mommy said to say something..  so I did..  *sigh*..  parents.. lol
well anyway..  enjoy part three!!
- Jules
Part Three
Recap: One stormy night in Windy Willows, England a young rat shows up
at the door to Van Helsing Von Furret's castle with a message for Von
Furret.  Van invited him in and introduced him to a badger named Carlos.
The trio sat down by a fire to listen to the rat's message over some
bread and cheese.  Ioan brought a message from his father.  A request
that Van would come to his hometown of Transylvania and help rid them
of a phantom that's terrorizing the town.  Van accepted the request and
after questioning for specifics, he sent Ioan off to bed.  Then he went
to meet Carlos in the library.  It is with their meeting that we reenter
the story.
"So Carlos, what kind of interesting gadgets do you recommend I take
along with me this time?" Van said with a chuckle.  "More of those crazy
inventions that your interns cook up?"
"I'll have you know that Samuel's fireproof clothing spray is coming
along quite well now" Carlos replied defensively.
"I almost died trying to slay a dragon thinking that I'm fireproof.  And
the kid's still working on the darned stuff?" Van closed the book he was
skimming through and placed it back on the shelf.  The room flashed
brightly as a lightning bolt made a feeble attempt to revive the dying
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again"
"More like, if at first you don't succeed, hope your test subject
Carlos just rolled his eyes.
"So what do you have for me this time?" Van asked again, leaning against
the bookcase.
"Tell me what you think that phantom might be and then we'll head to the
lab and see what trinkets I have that might aid you in your quest, oh,
great dragon slayer," Carlos said giving a mock bow.
Van just smirked.  "Well, it might be a goblin or perhaps a mutant owl,
but I suspect that it is a vampire."
At that Carlos' eyes lit up.  "Oh!  What luck, I have some new things
that I've been wanting to try that would be perfect for a vampire, as
long as you don't plan on killing it."
"What?  You mean to tell me you want me to bring you back a live vampire?
Are you Crazy?"
"Well, it wouldn't exactly be a vampire anymore."
"What are you talking about?  You can't change a vampire into something
"That is where I would have to disagree with you.  Come, I'll show you."
Van just rolled his eyes as Carlos turned to face the bookcase they stood
by.  He reached over and pulled an iron gargoyle that rested on the end
of a shelf.  The whole shelf gave a great lurch, pulled back into the
wall, and slid out of the way.  It revealed a lamp lit staircase leading
up.  The pair headed up the stairs and after a few flights they came out
into a large room filled with strange things.  Tubes and beakers filled
with strange looking fluids, things that looked like crosses between
totally opposite weapons, and things that couldn't even begin to be
"Samuel!  Good, you're here!  Van's on a new case in the morning,
probably a vampire!" Carlos called to a scrawny looking raccoon.
"Really!  We can test our new inventions!" cried the raccoon, looking
almost as if he would faint.
"My thoughts exactly!"
"Don't tell me you're going to send me off with more of this kid's pet
projects?" Van said with an incredulous look.
"Oh come on, Van. Show some faith!"
Van looked up to the ceiling, staring at the candle holding, angel
chandelier, muttering something that sounded like "Why me?"
By now Carlos had led Van over to Samuel, who was frantically digging
through the clutter on the table in front of him.
"Here it is, Carlos!" he exclaimed holding a bottle filled with a purple
liquid up to the light.  "I finished the final test last night!"
"Excellent! All went as planned?"
"Even better!  The subject was rendered unconscious until about an hour
"What are you two talking about?  What is that stuff?"
Carlos proceeded to explain that the potion they had concocted, if
injected into a vampire, would not only turn it into a harmless,
vegetable juice drinking un-vampire, but leave it unconscious for a full
24 hours.  Despite skeptical protests from Van, they set him up with a
few vials of the stuff, some super heavy-duty nets, and everything else
he could want to capture a vampire.  To quell his fears of faulty
equipment, they also set him up with the usual garlic and wooden stakes
as a back up plan.  Then Van headed to bed to get some much-needed rest.
The next morning began with a foggy sunrise.  The air smelled freshly
washed after the thunderstorm, but an eerie mist hung over the roads and
fields.  Ioan rose to the few rays of sunlight that managed to penetrate
the mist and slip in his window.  It took him a moment to realize where
he was, but then he was hit with a wave of fear.  Today he would set out
with Mr. Von Furret for his home.  He had not been home for two months,
and had heard no news.  Now that he had delivered his message, he became
afraid of what he would find when he returned to Transylvania.  Would
all of his friends and family still be well?  Had the phantom murdered
anyone?  He swallowed all the questions and put them from his mind.  He
went to the water basin and splashed some water on his face.  There were
fresh clothes next to the stand that hadn't been there the night before.
"This place is one of the strangest places I've ever been in" he thought
as he changed into the clothes.  Then he opened the door and headed for
Carlos' room.
What will the journey hold for Van and Ioan?  What will they find when
they arrive in Transylvania?
For the answers, stay tuned for tomorrow's installment of
Van Helsing Von Furret in: The Phantom of The 113th Street Cemetery
[Posted in FML issue 4678]