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Tue, 5 Jul 2005 16:59:12 +0000
Laura Holland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
When I moved from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Seattle, WA we flew Delta
because I was told they were the only carrier on my route that allowed
ferrets in the cabin.  Since I had five ferrets at the time I bought two
cabin kennels (check Drs.  Foster Smith - great price/quality) and had
three in one, two in the other.  You're only allowed to have one kennel
per passenger so I had to buy a second plane ticket and a friend flew
with me.  That was fine, though, as my friend really wanted to check out
Seattle (and subsequently moved here a few months later!) I also had my
three cats and Jake, my 105 lb Newf/Lab in cargo.  So it was pretty much
"Laura's Flying Circus"!
The cost per cabin kennel for the ferrets was only $75.00.  Note that
they only allow two pet kennels in the coach per flight so make sure you
let the ticketing agent know that you will be bringing pets along.  If
you just show up with your ticket and expect the ferrets to come along
and you don't have this reservation, they might not be able to fly with
you in the cabin.  Also make sure you have a health certificate from your
vet stating that they are up-to-date on their shots.
My kids traveled quite well in the carrier sleeping most of the time.  I
put a small fuzzy blanket in each carrier and didn't bother with water or
food bowls as that would have turned into a huge mess.  Instead I carried
with me a water bottle from the cage and lowered it down occasionally for
them to get sips.  When we changed planes in Dallas I took them into a
baby changing room to clean up any messes.  Ended up the cage was clean -
so I DEFINITELY recommend doing what I did: make sure EVERYONE'S gone
potty before you load them up for the flight!!
While we waiting for our connecting flight I took them out one by one and
put a harness and leash on them.  I didn't let them walk around since
well the airport's just WAY too busy for a ferret to be on the floor -
but I did let them perch up on my shoulder.  Soon a crowd gathered around
us "What are those?" "Wow - a ferret!!" "He's so cute!" "They're flying?"
I'm sure people thought a movie star had wandered through the airport by
the amount of people surrounding us - it was truly amusing!
I highly recommend flying Delta if you're moving/traveling with pets.  I
was VERY nervous about having Jake and the kitties in cargo but the
flight attendants definitely put me at ease.  "The pets are being loaded
now if you look out the window." one of them told me in Fort Lauderdale.
Then after we were on the plane to Seattle from Dallas in the next flight
one came up to me "So you're the one with the ferrets, cats and dog!" It
was pretty cool - we felt special!  She also came back and told me "Just
want to let you know everyone's safely on board." During the flight ALL
the attendants dropped by to check out the ferrets.  They made what I
thought was going to be a stressed-out flight fun and relaxing.
Here's the link for info:
- Laura and The Seattle Seven at http://www.ferretocious.com
[Posted in FML issue 4930]