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Wed, 29 Jun 2005 18:27:04 +0000
Laura Holland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
First off, I should have suggested some healthier alternatives to the
marshmallow treats.
Secondly, I didn't mean to imply that EVERYTHING 8-in-1 makes is bad.
I do give my fuzzies their Ferretvite and a few Yogies.  My ferrets'
favourite treat by far are the chicken ferret treats from Nbone.  But
I've also found that the ferrets do just fine without snacks at all -
and a "treat" for them is the Ferretone I give them on a weekly basis.
They love it plus it gives them essential vitamins and makes their coats
lush and shiny.
I've noticed that if a treat looks like a human junk food - well then
most likely it's junk for the ferrets as well.  And just like how we
should eat junk food, so should the ferrets - either not at all or in
tiny quantities since there's little or no nutritional value.
When I first got ferrets I too would grab anything that looked "yummy"
to me.  But once others educated me on what was good for the fuzzies and
what wasn't.  I also noticed that the ferrets had difficulty eating them.
Pieces would get stuck in the roof of their mouths or they'd cough up a
chunk - so now I avoid them altogether.
If you want somewhere to get immediate answers and advice from a lot of
experienced ferret owners check out the forum at The Ferret Store -
Look for me I'm "Ferretocious" :)
Laura and The Seattle Seven at http://www.ferretocious.com
[Posted in FML issue 4924]