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Tue, 8 Mar 2005 20:03:27 -0600
Wes Hurley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
This is Susie Lee writing from Pensacola with the latest from The Ferret
And Dove Sanctuary, Inc.  (seems like forever-ago-Way-y-y ) back on Feb.
22nd, all in a single day, we adopted out Phinella DEW-Lovey Ferret
("Nelly" for short) and her buddy, Brian DarkBlond Ferret in the morning.
Later in the day, we accepted in a pair of six-month-olds whose
care-person had to move and couldn't keep them named Ricki-Quickie
CreamSable and Ticki-Tavi PandaPretty.
Since then we've been writing lettrs to various and sundry newspaper
editors about asking folks to consider before buying or adopting
rabbits for Easter, for these critters also get dumped on any shelters
of any sort who Might accept them.  It's one of the reasons our
"umbrella"-shelter, the Rabbit Friends Sanctuary in Crestview, Florida,
is already filled to the brim with homeless bunnies, and it ain't even
"the day" yet!  So, anyways, a couple of the newspapers took our letters,
and perhaps several more among you-all (especially the great-hearted
souls on the Ferret-Mailing List) can help take up the hue and cry for
folks to think about their responsibilities to lives, however small and
regardless of furred nor non-furred conditions.  You'll find all the
stuff you need to paraphrase on www.hsus.org .
Okay, then back to the ferret-news...March 8th, 2005, Ricki-Quickie
CreamSable and Ticki-Tavi PandaPretty have been Adopted!  Nobody died
since the last news, and only 17-year-old FurBucket, a blue-cream
Persian cat, has been ill and is currently regaining her weight and
doing better.  Okay, it's NOT all ferret-news!  But then we're not
here just for ferrets...even though they sure do seem to think so. :)
If anyone feels moved to, they can make a donation via PayPal through
the site...
[Posted in FML issue 4811]