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Wed, 9 Feb 2005 03:13:57 -0500
text/plain (95 lines)
Hi all dis is SaraFerret.  I dont often do gweetings anymore, but dis
Daddy Williams asks me to meet his furchild Hobbes when he came across
de Rainbow Bwidge dis past weekend.  I forgots I had to let Daddy know
dat I had gweeted Hobbes.  So heres what happens.
I gets notice dat I is to gweet Hobbes who was coming acwoss de bwidge
and so I trotted over to get Hoppy who doesnt live far and we dashed to
meet Hobbes.  I just didnt want Hobbes to wander in here witout a
gweeter.  Wowsie we makes it.
Dere he comes wit someting white dwagging behinds him--what could it be?
Hoppy and me was sure puzzled and he looked so heavy.  When he gets here,
Hoppy hugs him and den I intwoduces myself to him.  Welcome to de Rainbow
Bwidge, Mr Hobbes, I is Ms SaraFerret, one of de gweeters at de bwidge.
Oks Hobbes looks at me and his mout dropped open--well I know I know--I
tells him dat its a long story about me and my outfit.  He says where is
your fur and den wowsie what a nice tail.
I tells him its also a long story.  But since his daddy has told me about
Hobbes habit about toilet paper rolls I immediately knew what the long
white paper stuff was.  I asks him about it.  Why did ya bwing de toilet
paper wit you--
well he says it has always been so much funs to unroll dem I tought I
would bwing it wit me so I could finds my way back home.
Oops I says dis is home now.  He says ya mean I has to stay here!  But
what will de others do witout me?  Poor little Hobbes starts cwying big
gulping sobs and was so unhappy.
I tells him dat he can see his daddy anytime and de other ferrets in
his own home.  He stops cwying and looks at me.  I leads him over to de
reflecting pool and dere he saw Daddy wit de other ferrets.  Oh you mean
I can come see him anytime.
Sure I says.
Well his eyes clears up right aways.  Hoppy is hugging him and saying its
a lots of fun here--you oughta see de digs I have gots here.  And really
SaraFerret is lots of fun also.
Yep I tells him unrolling toilet paper was always my big point--it didnt
make my mommy real happy but she had to smile when she chased me thru de
house wit de paper still unrolling (giggle).  He started to laugh right
I tells him dat we has to go to de warehouse for his wings and halo and
I asks him why he is so big since his daddy says he was sick.  He starts
digging tings out of his secret backpack (humans arent allowed to bwing
tings when dey crosses de bwidge-only us musteys cause of de backpacks)
and toilet paper rolls start appearing along wit lots of socks and an old
shoe.  We all falls down laughing.
I tells him we have dis stuff here.  De Boss loves for us to has toys we
liked when we were at our old pwace.  So wit everyone finally happy and
smiling we goes to de warehouse.  He picks out dis bright blue pair of
wings which we strap on him and he picks out a halo to match and he asks
why isnt your halo like mine (he means mine is bent and my wings are bent
and dusty.)  Wells dats another long story.
He says I bets you has a lots of storys.  I sure do I says.  When you
gets settled in we can gets together and trade stories about de past.
But first we have to get you your hammie and go to your new home.
Hoppy leads de way and right over by a gwoup of squeaky girly ferrets is
dere den.  Dey all squeak hello to him and giggle.  Oh wowsie dis pwace
is cool.
Well we gets him settled in and I asks him if he would like his flying
lessons today or wait and also we have to take a tour.  He passes on
both as he is kinda worn out and Hoppy speaks up and says well Ms
SaraFerret I would be glad to take my brother to flying lessons and we
wants you to take us all on de tour of de pwace.  When I came everyone
was so busy I didnt take it.
Well I tells him next week is free and so we made plans for de tour next
week.  As I left, one of de squeaky girls was right dere with a plate
of biscuits to welcome Hobbes.  Well I tinks to myself looks like de
Davidson boys will be so busy wit meeting de squeaky girls dat he wont
find time to chat wit me.  And I laughs and smile tinking of how dere
Daddy William will be so happy to know his furson is meeting new fuzzies
and settling in.  And oh by de way Daddy William, he sends a hug for
you--you should get de hug rights about de time you read dis and if you
hear soft dooks in your ears tonite it will probably be Hobbes whispering
and dooking whiles you sleep.
Take care all and sowwy for de delay in writing but Hobbes was gweeted
when he comes across but I forgots to send de letter.  Pwease forgives
Dooks and love
Ms SaraFerret (PS yes its ok to privately send me notes)
[Posted in FML issue 4784]