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Wed, 12 Jan 2005 20:38:02 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi, dis be Muldoone, officialist Bwidge Gweeter.  I gots a message to
checks up on a fewet by da name of Thor.  I wooks for him on da stump
scope and I finds where he hangs his hammy and I sets out to go sees him.
Imagine da surprize when I gets dere and dis fewet has all da fewets out
dere clowd jumping, da jumps from fwuffy clowd to fwuffy clowd wif him
telling ems to jumps faster and burns off dat fewet fat.  Well!!  I not
sures how I takes dis, I gots a few fatties on my tummy but I sucks it
in so dis guy not sees and habe me out dere doing wapps.  I cwimbs up and
den hops ober to his clowd and askis him what be up.  Dis guy Thor, he
tells me how he be twying to whip dese guy into shape and I askis him for
what shape, dere not be anyting wrong wif a wittle fewet fat on da belly.
My hooman-bean usta gibs me kisses on my belly and say I shake wike jelly
whateber dat stuff be, it musta be somptin gud, my mom be happy when she
say dat to me.  Thor den tells me he be gettin togedder a feetsball team
whateber dat be.
I tells him dat I not tink it wurk, we fewets takes tings and puts em in
our hiddyhole not pass dem to odder fewets.  Nanna finds dat out one year
when she hide Easser eggs, *some* of da fewets hide and watch where she
put da eggs and den we goes and gets dem, it not be me, weally, and no
tell Nanna but ifin you eats a bunch of Easser eggs, it make yur tummy
And den, I sees dis fewet be wearing a ball cap wike mine and boy I gets
mad.  His ball cap be just wike mine 'cept his hab a wetter B on it.  I
askis him what the B be for and he say dat mean he be BOSS fewet.  I just
knows Nanna puts him up to dis, Nanna not wike my ball cap and she tease
me bout my hammy-head-hair.  But dat be okay, I wet this guy keep his
ball cap and his whistler for now.  Maybe I sneaks in his bungaloid and
gets his cap and whistler.  Dere only be one fewet dat wears a ball cap
at da Bwidge and dat be me!!
Afters watchin dis guy for a whiles he be gud at organizating fewets, I
can maybes use him on fwannel nightgown waids.
[Posted in FML issue 4756]