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Wed, 22 Dec 2004 09:07:41 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (360 lines)
Christmas Eve at the Rainbow Bridge can be a sad and bittersweet time.
The ferrets are missing their families back on earth, remembering a
time of love shown to them; gifts of new bedding toys and treats as the
fuzzies did their best to show their thanks with lots of dooking and
weasel war-dancing.  It is the one night of the year that brings both
tears and smiles as the ferrets go to the far side of the rainbow and
peek in on their families.
Muldoone pulled his pocket watch out to check the time and saw the day
growing short.  So much I gots to do yet he thought I better go gets da
guys.  Hurrying along a well-worn path Muldoone spotted Nanna and he
ducked down behind a bush in hopes she didn't see him.
"Has anyone seen Muldoone" Nanna asks a group of ferrets.
"Sworry Nanna we not seen him wately" answers a little silver-mitt girl.
"If you do see him tell him to report to me immediately" instructs Nanna.
"It will be Christmas Eve in a few hours and I want to make sure him and
his buddies don't have an evening of mischief planned".
"I pwomises I tells him ifin I sees him Nanna" promised the silver mitt
and with that Nanna continues on her way in search of Muldoone.
Meeting up with Mully's old pal Flash, Flash tells him that Nanna was
looking for him.  "I knows Fwash but I gots sumptin I gots to do, why
Nanna be wooking for me" Mully asks his friend.
"Well she say sumptin 'bout no mischief dis ebening answers Flash.  Does
you habe sumptin planned Mully?
Muldoone feeling himself blush tells Flash "I habe pwans for dis ebening
but it not be what Nanna be tinking I not know why Nanna always tinks I
be doing sumptin I not 'appose to be doing".
Laughing Flash answers Muldoone's statement with "well Mully maybe acause
we does stuff we not appose to be doin."
Muldoone thinks for a moment and agrees with him and then instructs his
pal to not tell Nanna he had seen and talked to him.  "Fwash I gots wots
of stuff to dooes and I can't wett Nanna knows 'bout it."
"Mully what habe you gots pwanned you knows what Nanna says bout NO
funny biziness on Cwismus Ebe.
Fwash it not be anyting wike dat, dis be sumptin da Boss asksis me to do
but He say I not tells anyone not eben Nanna soes I can't wetts her find
me don't tells her you sees me 'k?"
"Ok Mully but can't you eben tells me what you hab pwanned Flash asked.
Sworry Fwash I can't tell you, I can't tell anyone but eberybody sees
watter jest don't tells Nanna you sees me" and with that Muldoone went
trotting down the path.
So many tings to do I hopes I not forgets anyting, dis is a big job and
I be 'fraid I mess up Mully is thinking to himself.  As he passes his
fur-buddies he calls out to them in answer to their greeting.  "Can't
stop ta talk guys I be busy.
"Mully, Nanna be wooking for you, you in twouble agains" his buddy Sam
asks him.
"Not in twouble 'gain Sam but I gots sumptin I gots to do it be a special
job so don't tell Nanna you sees me" and with that Muldoone was off again
hurrying on his way.
Muldoone returns to his bungalow and starts going over his list of
everything he has to do.  I not tink I can do all dis he thinks to
himself it be almost Cwismus Ebe.  I wish da Boss gibes me more time
to do dis.  I has to go finds da guys.
An hour later Nanna is still charging around the Rainbow Bridge looking
for Muldoone.  Every one she asks about Mully no one has seen him and
she finds this a little hard to be believe, he couldn't have just
disappeared.  Finally catching sight of him talking with a couple of
other ferrets she calls out his name "M U L D O O N E" and Mully thinks
to himself "oh no she finds me.
Nanna comes charging over to where Mully was talking with his buds.
"Young man where have you been I have been looking for you for hours.
It is almost Christmas Eve and I am giving you my final warning, no
funny business this evening and that means no flannel nightgown raids no
switching of teddy bears and you will not gather up the crochet eggs and
deliver them to the cats at the other end of the rainbow".
By this time Nanna was nose-to-nose with Muldoone and her tail looked
like a bottle brush.  "I have been asking everyone where you were and
only two ferrets would admit to seeing you and having talked to you and
frankly I find that a little hard to believe.  But with a few raisin
bribes two of your "friends" said they had seen you but you told them to
tell me you had not seen me.  Why Muldoone, why did you tell them to tell
me that and what have you and your buddies got planned for this evening?
Uh uh uh Nanna we don't habe anyting pwanned I pwomise stammered Muldoone
honest Nanna we not pwannign on doin sumptin.  Young man begins Nanna, I
know you too well and if you are telling your buddies to tell me they
haven't seen you I know you are up to something.  Muldoone it will be
Christmas Eve in a few hours and this is a very sacred time not a time
for mischief or monkey-business.  I want you to go to your bungalow and
get ready for this evening and you are to stay there until it is time."
But Nanna I can't do dat I gots sumptin I habe to do Muldoone said.  You
have nothing to do except what I am telling you to do and that is to go
back there and stay there until time Nanna told him sternly and don't let
me catch you plotting with any of your friends, you return there now"!!!
Upon returning to his bungalow Mully was worried.  Knowing Nanna she will
put a fewet outside to make sure I not go anypwace.  Why da Boss not tell
Nanna 'bout dis?  Why dis hab to be a big secwet?  How cans I do what I
'appose to do Nanna be weally mad at me if I not do what she say.
Mully pulls out his check list and starts going over it for the hundredth
time that day.  I gots to gets out of here he thinks to himself I not be
done wif eberyting.  Peeking his head out the door and looking around the
coast seemed to be clear and out the door he ran and down a path.
By the time dusk had fallen Muldoone was on his way back to the Bridge to
check on things once more.  After speaking to his buddies he had helping
he felt everything was going to work out fine.  No sign of Nanna,
everything was on schedule and he had not broken his promise to da Boss.
He had a couple of his buddies helping, he had been able to enlist their
assistance without telling them what was really going on.  Feeling like
he was in the clear everything was right on schedule and he had been able
to outfox Nanna, rounding a bend in the path who does he run into but
"M U L D O O N E" shrieked Nanna I thought I told you to remain in your
bungalow until it was time for the prayer service!!!!
Uh uh you dids Nanna stuttered Mully buts I had sumptin I had to dooes.
MULDOONE yells Nanna what was it you had to do that was so important that
you would defy a direction I gave you to remain in your bungalow until
the appointed time?
Nanna I cant't tells you dat explains Mully I pwomised I not tells anyone
and I can't bweak my pwomise."
Muldoone I want you to listen to me says Nanna drawing a deep breath you
are my responsibility, it is my job to see that YOU do your job and keep
you out of mischief which happens to be a full-time job for me with all
you and your buddies get into.  Now either you tell me what is going on
or you will be grounded to your bungalow.
No Nanna, pleaded Muldoone, pwease, I pwomise no funny stuff tonite but
I can't tells you anyting else.
Alright Muldoone you leave me no choice you are to return to your
bungalow and remain there you will not attend this evening's prayers
at the Bridge.  You will stay in your hammy and then in the morning
you and I will go visit the Boss and let him straighten this out.  Now
march young man Nanna told him.
A very dejected and defeated feeling Mully slowly walked back to his
bungalow with his head hanging low.
Just after darkness settled in the sound of bells could be heard.
Ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge knew it was time to make their way to the
appointed gathering spot for Christmas Eve prayers just like they did
every year.  Upon arriving at the Bridge the ferrets noticed the unusual
color of the rainbow.  It was the same color but the colors seemed to
blend from bright to pale and back again.  A soft warm breeze was dancing
on everyone's fur and in their whiskers.  The Welcoming song was heard
but yet it was a different Welcoming song from everyday greetings.  Fairy
dust was floating in the air and there seemed to be a light source within
each speck of fairy dust.  Soft gentle lights were coming and going as
the Welcoming song grew in intensity until every ferret's heart was awash
with love.  This was indeed to be a very special evening for everyone
After the flash of a blinding blue light subsided there was a sharp
intake of breath from the thousands of ferrets gathered for the special
evening.  Before them stood the most beautiful ferret anyone had ever
seen she had gleaming fur of white she wore a beautiful white dressing
gown that was trimmed in gold and on her head she wore a beautiful gold
crown.  The crowd standing before her was speechless never had they seen
anything so beautiful.  When she began to speak there was a wave of peace
and love that every ferret in attendance felt.
Tessa began to speak to the crowd, "Fur-children we gather together on
this evening to give thanks and offer our prayers to our Father who
created this wonderful place for us to be until we can be with our loved
ones once again.  Life as a ferret is not always easy, we have many forms
of illnesses that bring us to the Bridge much too soon, some have ended
up here because their families didn't know how to properly take care of
us and for others, it was only after they got here did they truly know
what it meant to have a family.  We have a very special ferret with us
tonight that the Boss wants to recognize, he doesn't always follow the
rules, he is known for his games and mischief-making, he has even been
known to steal a nightgown or two, it is our own wonderful Muldoone.
The Boss became aware of a wish Muldoone had for this special evening
and the Boss being the Boss, He wanted Muldoone to get to fulfill that
wish, to read the names of ferrets that crossed over since he came".
As Tessa was standing before the crowd speaking Nanna felt a sickening
dread.  OH NO she thought to herself this must be what Muldoone had
planned but couldn't tell me.  But why couldn't he tell me about this,
who made him promise to tell me?  I don't understand this Nanna continued
arguing with herself.
At that moment Nanna felt a warm gentle paw touch her on the shoulder.
She turned around to look and there stood Muldoone straight and tall with
huge tears in his eyes.  Nanna I be sworry I not tells you 'bout dis but
da Boss tells me I not tells you.
For several seconds Nanna doesn't say anything and finally she finds her
voice.  Muldoone begins Nanna it is I who owes you an apology I had no
idea you had something special planned and I am very sorry I doubted you.
I thought you and your buddies had another evening of mischief planned
and I don't know what to say about all of this I think I am speechless
and with that Nanna drops her head and tears begin to roll down her
furry cheeks.
Just then Tessa calls out to Muldoone and invites him up front to call
out the names.  Mully makes his way to the front of the crowd which was
not easy there are many ferrets gathered for the special event.  Finally
Muldoone reaches Tessa and he is in awe of her.  Never had he ever seen
such a beautiful ferret.  Her fur is gleaming white she has the most
gentle loving eyes her beautiful white dressing gown trimmed in gold and
atop her head sets a tiny small golden crown.  Muldoone is so awe-struck
being in the presence of the ferret known as Tessa he discovers he can't
speak and his legs are very shaky.  Tessa smiles a warm and loving smile
to him and it puts him a bit more at ease.
Muldoone Tessa begins to speak you have demonstrated to have some very
special qualities and you also possess a pure and loving heart.  I have
heard many reports of ferrets arriving at the Bridge frightened and sad
and you are able to help them in fact I have been told of the lengths
you go to help a new ferret arriving at the Bridge.
A voice from within the crowd calls out Princess Tessa did you also hear
about the flannel nightgown raids and Mully feels himself blush a bright
red from head to toe.
Yes laughs Tessa I have heard about the mischief but you can't expect a
ferret to be good all the time.  When the Creator made us he instilled
within us the desire to get into mischief so I don't see you doing
anything all that much different from other ferrets, maybe you just enjoy
it a bit more than most.  None the less continues Tessa your wish has
been granted to call out the names of the arrivals over the past year
and I also wish to recognize all your good work here at the Bridge and
what a special ferret you are.  Tessa places a gentle kiss on Muldoone's
cheek and hugs him warmly.  And now Muldone you may call the names".
From a pocket Muldoone pulls out a list with names on it.  He turns to
face the crowd and finds a huge lump in his throat when he tries to
"First I would wike to tank Nanna for da tings she teaches me.  I not be
sure why da Boss want me be Bwidge Gweeter but I twies to be a gud Bwidge
Gweeter and I sworry I makes Nanna mad at me sumtimes.  Muldoone's eyes
searches the crowd until he finds Nanna.  She is standing with her head
bowed and he sees another ferret beside her patting her paw trying to
comfort the older wise ferret.
Nanna Muldoone's voice calls out to his supervisor Nanna I woves you and
I pwomise to be an eben better Bwidge Gweeter.
Nanna raises her head and meet Muldoone's gaze.  Thoughts were swirling
and she was having a hard time putting words to her thoughts but she was
able to finally voice one statement to him that summed it all up:
Muldoone you are one of a kind and I love you.
Mully's heart swelled within his chest with love for boss and friend.
Muldoone's voice thick with emotion begins to read off the names of
arrivals at the Bridge.  Rainbow Bridge ferrets:
Blaze, Mickey, Brian Boru, Whodat, Ashling, Bear, Chloe,
Trinity aka Pretty Girl Princess, Scramble Bandit, Koko, Clara,
Theo, Rickie, Rascal, Felisha, Shilo, Frosty Pants, Clara, Merlin,
Tessa, Dupree, Bubbles, Calvin, Cookie, Sadie, Bilbo, Ollie, Freddie,
Lady Noir, Lucy, Toby, Sable, Stinky, Mr. Burton, Big Bruce-Lee, Nico,
Cocoa, Bilbo (Master of Cats), Bay, Storm, Tigger, Houdini, Lucy,
Toby, Monkey, Bubbles, Calvin, Shelter baby Luke, Echo, Lucy, Buddy,
Freddy, Princess, Malinko, Buddy, Rocket, Sprite, Hannah, Pooh,
Shasta, Zach, Skeeter, Max, Bitsy, Rickie, Ms. LS, Ruby, Rocket,
Shilo, Ashling, Ricky, Diddy, Gabby, Woape, Snickers, Nossa, Celia,
Otter, Stinky, MeLee, Bonnie, Frodo, Werner, Boy Named Sue, Mario,
Hector, Lawrence, Florence, Mary Ann, Minnie, Spanky, Sam, Moose,
George, SnowFlake, Jethro, Sonny, Cher, Claudia, Scarlett O'Ferret,
Snowflake, Sprocket, Oreo, Cleo, Snowball, Cream, SuperSnooper,
Argento, Hershey, Cinders, Rocky, Benni, Pepper, Scully, Sammy,
Weasle, Taz, Rocky, Scrappy, Flower, Benni, Snowy, Bandit, Scamper,
Casper, Mousy Mouse Jr, Buddy, Rabalder, Kizzy, Numenor, Kizzy,
Scamper, Stimpy, Sparkles, Mookie, Sweet Sidewinder, Ragiine,
Lancelot, Ragine, Jako, Gizmo Sorta, Jill, Snowy, Sassy, Solita,
Roxie, Weezer, Scooter, Bun Bun, PeeWee, Gizmo, Weezer, Banidt,
George, Sophie, Samantha, Bailey, Wolfie, Clover, Lexie, Tinkerbell,
Angel, Jillian, Bailey, Eddie, Gabriella, Lola, Ginger, Pepper,
Harley, Cyclone, Joker, Smokey, Stimpy, Wonder, Luna, Slim, Lola,
Maggie, Cybil, Deezel, Pizzazz, Brak, Chiclet, Sara, Clover, Percy,
BreAnna, Tabitha, Sally, Ruby, Scooter, Buddy, Kistafur, Stubby,
Hamza, Pywacket, Toast, Stubby, Hamza, Tigger, Blossom, Moxie,
Wonder, Woozel, Tubby, Radar, Luna, Slim, Percy, Sadie, Lady Star,
Sabrina, BonBon, Slimmy, Lady Star, Sabrina, Sara Ferret, Woozel,
Tubby, Itty-Bitty, Mishka, Mr. Hobbit, Tiny Dancer, Angel, EZ,
Spice, Furrity, Newbe, Sadie, Miss Dixie, Angel, EZ, Jesse, Clover,
Mr. Hobbit, Tig, Hannah, Julie, Biker Chick, Boomer, Foozie, Raphael,
Bupkes, Willow, Shelly, Slim, Lil Girl, TigMan, Rocket, Shilo,
Ashling, Clara, Theo, Rickie, Ms. LS, Rascal, Koko, Max the Chomp,
Trinity, Felisha, Rascal, Frosty Pants, Clara, Merlin, Felisha,
Scramble Bandit, Mr. Burton, Murphy, Nico, Cocoa, Bilbo, Bay Storm,
Blaze, Mickey, Ollie, Lucy, Toby, Monkey, Bubbles, Calvin, Cheshire,
Bear, Yozum, Nico, Cocoa, Oleander, Cinnamon, Oscar, Lilly, Arielle,
Calvin, Sherrie, Fang, Sadie, Smokey, Shiver, Rosie Felicia Ferret,
Finn McCool, Fannie, Philip, Linus, Sweetie, Maru, Zoey, Yoko OHNO!,
Java Joe, Nipper, Zoey, Maru, Renate, Sparkle, Shannon, Pixie,
Princess Leia, Bailey, Spotty, Baily, Beema, Riley, Mischief, Jeffrey,
Snoopy, CoCo, Joey, Max, Miss Katie, Misty, Fane, Angel, Bandit,
Teddy, Sam, Monty, Smokey, Bruno, Webster, Buddy, Elsa, Digger,
Scooter, Blaze, Cleo, Skweekyweezil, Nacho, Chester, Baby, Freddy,
Oscar, Boo-Boo, Snickers, Twinkle Toes, W.  Bully-vard, Bubba, the
Vinnies, Benny, Mouchie, Tekoa, Odin, Mystery Girl, Gizmo, Pody, Kita,
Princess Mocha, Night Wolf, Charlotte, Skatter, Bianca, Isabelle,
Wendy, Twinkle Toes, Marble, Romeo, Teddy Bear, Kita, Taz, Shelby,
Sarah, Kodo, Podo, Shy-Girl, Buddy, Dakota, Mookie and crew, Dweezil,
Hoppy, Nemesis, Marble, Chameleon, Teddy, Smokey, aka Smokey Joe,
Fritz, Winnie PinkNose, Little Rescue Boy, Bopper, Matilda, Baby
Cakes, and Snekers, Pepper, Zipper, Fudge, Little Rescue Girl, Pepper,
Clyde, Jubilee, Bear, Pirate, Boozer, Cody, Silver, Teddy, Baby,
Macari, Maharet, Hershey, Jubilee, Snoova, Yin-fu, Max, Dakota, Sandy,
Miss Mellow, Brandon, Heid, Jamocha, Sprout man, Chance, Cinnamon,
Pooh Ferret, Calvin, Ewock, Brandon, Bubbles, Gonzo, Jade, Gus, Gabe,
Allie, Babe, Toby, Sweet Pea, Martini, Sandy, Rascal, Minnie, Shelby,
Husky, Buddy, P-Bear, Zues, Ruben, Spanky, Sammy, Addie, Ruben, Rosie,
Bea, Sable, Dewey, Whitey, Snowflake, Snowy, Moxie, Rabalder, Ping,
Sase, Nossa, Hubert, Chloe-Ann, and Frisky.
After the calling of names more than anyone else Mully want to see Nanna.
He finds her standing on the fringe of the crowd and he approaches her
with a heart full of love and admiration.
Touching her gently on the shoulder she turns to face him.  "Nanna cans
you forgibes me for dis'beying you"?  Mully asks the older wise ferret.
"Muldoone I don't know how I could have ever doubted you" Nanna tells
him.  "Of course I forgive you" Nanna tells him offering a warm hug.
As Muldoone made his way through the crowd with thoughts about his
own family back on earth remembering wonderful gifts and all the love
showered on him and his fur brothers and sisters by his hooman-beans.
Hundreds of ferrets were making their way to the far side of the rainbow
to peek in on their families a bittersweet moment for them loving and
missing their families.
Before joining the others at the rainbow to peek in on his earth family
Muldoone had a side-trip to make.  With his heart pounding at the idea of
getting caught he couldn't keep from giggling.  What he would give to see
the look on Nanna's face when she returned to her bungalow and discovered
her flannel nightgown had been nabbed.  After locating what he came for
and making sure he was not seen by anyone Mully muttered to himself I
knowed dat if I waits wong enough I gets da chance at Nanna's nightgown;
her much-loved flannel nightgown was replaced with a pair of colorful
flannel PJs with cowboys on them.
(A note from me Muldoone; ifins I forgets to list some fewet's name,
forgibs me pwease, dis was a big job for a wittle fewet)
[Posted in FML issue 4735]