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Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:30:48 -0800
Muldoone Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Muldoone's alarm clock goes off alerting him that it is time to get
himself out of his hammy and meet a new arrival at the Bridge, a little
girl by the name of Snowflake was due to arrive.  Out of the hammy and to
the "making himself presentable" area heads Mully and as usual he loose
another morning battle with his hammy-head fur.  Wonder what da Boss be
waiting on, I done askis Him bout fixing my hammy-head fur but He not
fixes it yet.  Muldoone finds his ballcap which by the way is no easy
feat considering everything he has stashed at his place.  Giving his
cap one final adjustment, out the door he heads in the direction of the
Arriving at the Bridge, Muldoone doesn't have to wait long until he feels
the familiar breeze blowing through his fur and whiskers.  He sees the
bright flash of light and before too long he hears ferret feets coming
across the Bridge.
A little albino girl stopped at the end of the Bridge and looked around
and then noticing a dark sable ferret wearing something on his head with
fur sticking out from underneath it, going in all directions, the little
albino girl asked, "who you be"?
"Helwo, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist gweeter of da Wainbow Bwidge",
Mully informed the wee-one.
"But how dids I gets here, I was wif da fewet doc, I hads an upset tummy
and I went to sweep, how I gets here"?
This was one part of the job Mully didn't like, having to tell a ferret
their march of days on earth was over and here at the Bridge they would
remain until they were reunited with their hooman-beans.  Some ferrets
accepted it, some were happy to no longer be sick, some ferrets who
didn't have a very good life on earth would finally have a family made up
of Bridge ferrets, and then some ferrets got really upset and depressed
and for those special cases, there was a very special ferret lady they
went to stay with until they could make the adjustment.  Bending down to
be at eye-level with the new comer Muldoone explained to her that she had
been sick and this was where sick ferrets that couldn't get better came
to.  "Okay, I be here, now fix me sos I can goes back, my mom Robin be
needin me to help wif da odders.  I can't stays here wif you, my mom will
be upset if I be gones for very wong" the little girl informed Muldoone.
"Snowflake, Muldoone begins to try to explain when he is interrupted by
the new comer, "Dat be Mz.  Snowflake to you" she stated, arms crossed
over her chest and tapping one foot.  "Ok, says Mully, lets try again,
Mz.  Snowflake, you gots sick, da fewet doc twys to takes care of you but
you still comes here to wait till you earf mom and dad come to get you.
Snowflake's eyes grew sad and Muldoone saw the start of tears, "how wong
till my mom and dad comes to gets me she askes.  I don't know Muldoone
tells her but I understands da you gots a couple of fewet fwiends here,
Oreo and Sprocket.  Immediately Snowflake's face lights up and she
squeals Oreo and Sprocket are here??!!  Yes, Mully informs her, Oreo and
Sprocket are here and wants to see you".
Muldoone took Snowflake by the paw and off they went in search of Oreo
and Sprocket and what a reunion they had.  Lots of dooking, sniffing,
war-dancing, and giggling.  Oreo and Sprocket wanted to know all about
how everyone was back on earth, 'specially mom and dad.  At first
Muldoone was a little concerned about Snowflake and how she was going
to accept arriving at the Bridge but with the help of her buddies, he
felt she was going to be just fine.  Mully couldn't help but wonder if
Snowflake brought a flannel nightgown with her or not.
[Posted in FML issue 4734]