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Thu, 12 Aug 2004 15:58:04 -0400
"~*Jules*~" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (100 lines)
OH!  There ain t no fleas on me.  Oh!  There ain t no fleas on me!  There
might be fleas on some other fuzzies, but there ain t no fleas on me!
Hiya!  My name s Romeo!  I live at Jules house with my roommate Julliet.
We ve just had a bit of an adventure.  Yesterday, Mommy took us to work
with her.  It s where she bought me.  I had SO much fun visiting the one
roommate I had, who s still there.  We romped and played and snuggled!
It was a lot of fun, but Monster (that s the weasel who we were visiting)
was really itchy!  He said that they put some sticky medicine on his back
too.  Oh well I thought, we re itchy critters, maybe he s just overly
itchy and we all get weird things put on us by humans!  I didn t give his
itchiness another thought.
After a long hard play, meeting lots of new people and animals, we went
back into Monster s room for a nap.  After a while, and then Kim, one of
Mommy s co-workers (I think that means that Kim works at the store too),
took us for a walk around the store.  That was fun also.  Anyway, I
better get to the point!  When we got home, we were still REALLY tired
from our big day so we slept a lot, but I woke up a few times because
I was suddenly really itchy!  That night, when Mom put us to bed, she
suddenly got a really funny look on her face when giving Julliet a tummy
rub.  She said that we had Fleas.
Julliet said that it is the fleas that are making us itch!  You might
be wondering how I know what she says if I m deaf, but I ve learned
FerretSign from Julliet.  She hears what Jules says; she signs it to me,
and viola!  I know what my humans saying!  I am also learning how to read
lips, but sometimes Mommy forgets to talk to me because I can t hear her,
so I can t read lips very well yet!
Anyway, Mommy wasn t very happy, especially since it was late at night
and since we had fleas she would have to do some things before going to
sleep.  Julliet and I fell asleep soon, but it looked like Mom was
changing her bedding and piling everything we d been into that afternoon
into a big pile where she puts her used clothes (I think that humans must
wear clothes because they have no fur!  Silly humans!) I also saw her
with wet hair when I woke up for a drink and a scratch.  I was still
This morning, we slept in late, but Mommy came in and woke us up by
taking all the bedding out of our room!  She didn t say anything so we
were confused.  She also smelled funny, like cats and dogs, but there was
something else that smelled weird.  Well, she washed all our toys, and
put our bedding in the wash.  I saw her take it with the dirty clothes.
Then she put us in the bathtub!  We were kind of scared because last time
we were in the tub we got all wet and sudsy and smelled funny for two
days!  Let me tell you, I like it better when we only play in the tub!
Julliet was really scared because she doesn t like water.  She says it
sounds really loud!  I remember when I was baby (before I stopped
hearing) I heard a loud noise.  I didn t like that much, but now I don t
hear them so they don t bother me!  Julliet was upset, so she made a mess
in the tub.  Mommy said it was okay and not to be scared (while cleaning
up the mess.) She left us to play while she cleaned our room.  She wiped
it with some smelly stuff (I could tell because it smelled when we got
put back in it,) checking on us every so often.
Then, unfortunately, we had to get all wet and sudsy again!  But this
time we had to get it done twice!  Ugh!  First with something that
smelled kinda weird and then with our shampoo.  I just wanted to go back
in my cage and play.  Finally, after I got wrapped in a towel (sorta like
a blanket, just not as soft) Mom took me back into her room, I jumped out
of her arms to get to my room I was so excited to be going back in it,
thankfully Mom caught me and I didn t fall!  When I got back in my room
I danced all over and Julliet and I played.  She always gets the better
of me and doesn t like to play long, even though I try to get her to.
Anyway, after a while of playing we were all dried off, but then Mommy
put this sticky funny smelling stuff (which is what I smelled earlier)
on our backs.  Now she says we re Flea Free!  And I don t itch anymore!
Mommy said that I could tell my story to you guys if I wanted to so there
it is!  And now Mommy has some stuff to say so I ll let her talk!  Dooks
to you all!
Hey, it s Jules.  I just wanted to say that De Flea is great.  I used it
on my ferrets and it kills the fleas wonderfully!  You can watch them
die before your eyes (oddly satisfying.)  I didn t see any on Julliet as
I washed her, but saw at least 5 on Romeo!  But they are flea free now.
I would strongly recommend De Flea for cats, dogs, kittens, puppies, and
ferrets!  I did shampoo my ferrets after I washed them with De Flea, just
to be safe, but as I said, it has no hazard warnings and is completely
safe for even the youngest kittens and nursing mother cats.  I would
recommend using this instead of the chemical stuff it is much safer!  It
also kills fleas like a charm and works for mites and lice (I think) and
such.  Great stuff!  Spread the word on it!  They also make a bedding
spray (which is the same stuff) and they make a mite away for reptiles,
and a deodorizer.  I haven t tried either, but I would suspect that they
also work wonderfully!  It is produced by Natural Chemistry and has
received the lowest toxicity rating from the EPA.  Is safe for repeating
washings and as I said, has no hazard warnings!  It is a wonderful
product that shouldn t be kept a secret so spread the word!  Oh, and I
also used tube of bio-spot for Cats & Ferrets on them for future
prevention of fleas!  They also give you a two pack of towelets for
killing fleas, those can be used on cats, ferrets, gerbils, rabbits,
guinea pigs, and hamsters, but the spot stuff can only be used on cats
and kittens 12wks+ and ferrets 16wks+.
Thought I d share! Have a wonderful day!
- Jules
+ Romeo  Itchless  Ashkevron & Julliet  Bugless  Rethwellan
[Posted in FML issue 4603]