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Sat, 23 Oct 2004 19:25:48 -0400
Thomas Conley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (173 lines)
Influenza strikes the U.S. every year.  We all know ferrets can catch
colds and other illnesses from the mommies and daddies.  While this
article is not" totally" ferret-related it does include information to
keep the adults healthy, so influenza does not come into the house to
your little babies.  I have included information below each herb for
dosing your fuzzy should you wish to start preventative medicine early,
on you and your fuzzy.  Here in my house all 3 fuzzies are on a bit of
vitamin C (cracked up); 3 drops of echinacea; and 3 drops of hyssop to
6 tablespoons of warmed apple juice and 6 tablespoons of water as a
prevention.  This is our 3rd year doing this and so far so good.  We know
that vitamin C helps their immunity, as does echinacea.  I always add
hysop in case there is an oncoming infection starting that I can't see
yet.  That's hyssop's main function - to ward off oncoming infection.
Copyright by Mary L. Conley, ND
October 2004
All Rights Reserved
Influenza, or "the flu" is a highly contagious viral infection of the
upper respiratory tract.  It can be easily spread by coughing or sneezing
(in a crowd of p eople,) so epidemics are possible especially in winter.
More than 200 or more different viruses can cause the flu and/or colds.
However these strains are always changing so it's impossible to know
which to include in each year's vaccinations.  For this reason vaccines
of the flu are only partially successful each year.  If you cannot get a
vaccine, don't get too upset.  You can work with the flu naturally.
Flu symptoms begin much like the common cold with body aches, headaches,
and fatigue.  Sometimes one can get a fever followed by a hot sensation,
and then chills, and back and forth.  Most flu sufferers have a dry
throat and cough, but some others can produce much mucous.  Often the flu
sufferer is so weak they don't feel like eating and this is important.
"The flu is rarely dangerous in those under 60 years of age," so say the
Balchs in their book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." However, the
flu can make you more susceptible to colds, pneumonia, sinus infections,
or ear problems.  If you are over 65 pay particular attention to your flu
case as it can lead to a dangerous form of pneumonia.  Go to the hospital
before symptoms become very com plicated.
PROMED put out information on the contents of the flu germs some years
"A typical flu virus has 2 surface proteins, hemagglutinin (HA), and
neuraminidase (NA).  To contaminate human cells, the HA molecule must
first divide in two, which it does using a protease present in the
trachea and lungs." (sent out by Eileen in 1998)
With all of the flu vaccination warnings I felt it might help to know
there are alternatives to vaccines.  The natural health field's main
objective is to make one attain a state of wellness, boosting the immune
system so it can ward off disease, even some flu germs.  Many of the
things listed below are used to also assist in healing the potentially
compromised trachea and lungs, which flu can set up.  It's also important
to know that many yearly vaccines do not contain all of the strains
available, and at this early date it's almost impossible to tell which
strain will hit where in the U.S.  The three most effective disciplines
in prevention of this type of disease are herbal medicine, nutrition,
and homeopathy.
The following HERBS can be used in conjunction with each other to help
ward off the flu:
Astragalus - used to strengthen the immune system, strengthens digestion;
treats chronic weakness of lungs with shortness of breath, collapse of
energy, and spontaneous sweating.  This is available as a liquid
tincture, or in pill form.  T o use as a preventative use as directed
on label for adults; for animals cut dosage back to 3-5 drops per 250 ml
of drinking water, depending on weight of the animal.
Echinacea - the most commonly used echinacea in the U.S. is echinacea
angustifolia; echinacea purpurea; and echinacea pallida.  You can
sometimes get all 3 in one tincture.  I would recommend this if you
can get it.  This herb stimulates the immune system against pathogenic
infections and inflammatory conditions.  It is very effective against
both bacterial and viral infections.  It is supplied as a liquid
tincture, and as pills.  To use as a preventative use as directed on
the label; for animals cut dosage back to 3-5 drops per 250 ml of
drinking water, depending on weight of animal.
CAUTION - Since echinacea is a very strong immune booster do not use it
if you have symptoms of autoimmunity such as the rheumatoids.
Siberian Ginseng - this is the best ginseng to get.  It is a bit stronger
than American ginseng and for this flu season you may need it.  If you
are feeling a loss of vitality or lack of endurance this is one important
herb to use.  If you are feeling cold and damp this herb is also
indicated.  It is available as a liquid tincture, or in pill form.  To
use as a preventative use as directed on the label; for animals cut back
depending on weight of the animal.
Suma - this herb also strengthens energy and strengthens the immune
system.  The best suma I have used is as a tea.  It tastes a bit like
coffee.  Use 2 to 3 cups of tea per day as a preventative.  For animals
add 3- 5 drops of tea per 250 ml of drinking water, change once daily.
For supplementation, a good vitamin C can train the body to activate it's
own immunity.  Many people can take up to 8,000 mg per day without a
problem.  Others need less.  The way to titrate for your body is to start
at about 2,000 mg per day and then gradually increase up to 4,000 to
6,000 mgs.  If you get a bit of diarrhea, back off by 1,000 mgs.  That's
your body dose.  Stay on it throughout your flu experience.  Vitamin C
is also chelated (or forced into the cells) into the body better when
it is combined with rose hips, or a bioflavonoid so be sure to look for
that on your label.
Also please check the dates on anything you buy.  Pills and capsules
usually have a shelf life of 6 months; dried teas one year; tinctures
2-3 years; syrups and decoctions 6 months; oils up to a year.
Should you get the flu the following suggestions might help.
For fevers take light broths and drink only boiled water (lighter for
digestion) .  Ginger and peppermint teas sweetened with a bit of honey
will promote sweating.  Lemon balm or sweet basil teas are helpful also.
Avoid fruits, cold and raw foods, cold dairy foods, and heavy foods
should be avoided during the fevered state.  Ginger and garlic will
stimulate vitality.  If you can get to a Chinese herbalist have him mix
a tea of honeysuckle flowers, chrysanthimum flowers, forsythia flowers,
echinacea and a tiny bit of licorice.
For chills, warming herbs can be used such as ginger and peppermint teas.
Stay out of drafts and keep warm, especially keep the feet and head warm.
HOMEOPATHICS to use include the following:
Influenzium - available in a flu nasal spray called "Flu Relief."  This
is made by NatraBio 1-800-232-4005.  This is one of the best I've seen.
It is a metered dose spray.  Use as directed on the container.
Belladonna - for fever, headache, cold, and flu.  The symptoms come on
suddenly harshly, high fever with hot perspiration, throbbing pain.
Rest, dark and quiet will help.
Eupatorium perfoliatum - this is used when there is a deep, bone-crushing
pain that accompanies symptoms; runny eyes and nasal discharge; cough
and thirst.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum - for croupy cough, sore throat, laryngitis,
runny nose, and earaches.
These comes in tiny vials filled with pellets.  Depending on the maker of
this product use as directed on the label.  For little animals drop one
pellule in 1/2 cup of warm water.  When it is dissolved (do not stir to
dissolve), add one drop to 250 ml of drinking water.  Change daily.
AROMATHERAPY can also help in this field.  Lavender will help with
contamination ; lemon balm and ginger with nausea; tea tree oil in the
laundry will decontaminate bedsheets; and eucalyptus, pine and sage will
help breathing.  Again do not ever burn an essential oil drop "neat,"
or undiluted.  These oils will burn the nose.  Dilute each oil into a
"carrier oil" such as sesame oil, or almond oil, ot even olive oil.  For
2 tablespoons of oil add one drop of the essential oil.  If there is
any dicomfort stop the diffuser.  Essential oils should only be burned
to coat a room (about 30 minutes).  Then snuff them out.  Or use
aromatherapy candles, and do not oversaturate your room.  Be sure the
wick does not have a metal center, but is clear cotton throughout.
Offgassing from a metal wick can cause more problems.
It's very important to begin to eat good foods now in order to tone your
body up to accepting any alternative help.  Eliminating white flour,
white sugar, caffeine, smoking and alcohol and adding more fresh foods
will help at this time.  Stress only adds to depletion of the immune
system so it's important to stay calm.
Mary L. Conley, MNH, ND
Conley Farm Herbs
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[Posted in FML issue 4675]