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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0408 17545 14 34_ferret mention, 8/30 TIME, page 1714_sukie [log in to unmask], 25 Aug 2004 01:56:23 -0400441_- Small fun piece entitled "Pets Going for Gold" in Time magazine includes
mention of the Springfield, OR Ferret Olympics. People who have the
following ferrets in your families, please note that youhat critter since it is a mythological composite
which is part bird.

(BTW, from that experience, when being persistently mobbed by a huge owl
intent on eating your ferret the thing which works is to put the ferret
down the neck of your shirt but ONLY if you imitate the swallowing
chin-lifting motions of an owl.) [...]41_9Jun200411:57:[log in to unmask] 0406 6570 24 29_Ferrets needing homes in Ohio11_Julie [log in to unmask], 10 Jun 2004 17:24:56 -0700408_- We have several groups of ferrets needing new homes. Some of these kids
have been waiting for a new family for weeks, now.

Please take a moment and visit these kids at the following webpages:

If we cannot place them directly, I will be referring these families to
other shelters near them as I am unable to accept new intakes right now. [...]43_10Jun200417:24:[log in to unmask] 0406 6595 13 24_mi vets for externships?10_Becki [log in to unmask], 10 Jun 2004 10:23:23 -0400312_- folks, this is a little OT, but I'm looking for Michigan vets that
specialize in exotics to do an externship with. I'm writing on behalf of
a 3rd year vet student who is looking to specialize in ferrets and other
small animals.

thanks in advance.

becki kain
[Posted in FML issue 4540]44_10Jun200410:23:[log in to unmask] 0406 6609 11 30_Ferret Clubs and shelters list9_Deva [log in to unmask], 10 Jun 2004 07:54:30 -0700434_- I'm looking for a website that would have a list of California Ferret
Clubs (especially in the Bakersfield area) and shelters. There are 4
ferret vets in Bakersfield, does anyone have any experience with them?
I will be traveling through CA and want to be able to visit other ferret
people and have ferrets vets lined up for emergencies. If you can help
me, I would really appreciate it.
[Posted in FML issue 4540]44_10Jun200407:54:[log in to unmask] 0406 6621 23 26_Need a ferret sitter? [CO]17_Leeanne [log in to unmask], 10 Jun 2004 11:11:57 EDT605_- Fuzzy Lovers in Colorado~

Our new canine adventures and pet sitting business has started! Check
out our website at www.GoDogGoCo.com. (It is still in progress). We
own one ferret right now and are quite knowledgeable in administering
medication (throughout the day and night!) and mixing special meals. We
do not board dogs or cats (in home sitting only) but, we do have a room
in our basement that is ferret friendly and full of ferret fun! And, we
are full of ferret love. We are located in Littleton and are willing to
pick up weasels within a reasonable radius, but [...]38_10Jun200411:11:[log in to unmask] 0406 6645 31 31_need help naming a record [log in to unmask], 10 Jun 2004 16:06:49 -0500433_- Hi all,

Long time no post. Things have been hella busy on the homefront.

Since the last time I posted I broke up with my fiance and lost another
furkid (Sarah - to insulinoma). I also gained a strapping young albino
boy (Gannon) and another cat (Sam). So now I've got two cats and one
ferret - in addition to my 15-year-old sister, who I have custody of.
We all share a house in a suburb of Chicago. [...]41_10Jun200416:06:[log in to unmask] 0406 6677 43 30_Petco Ferret Event Reminder...17_Debbie [log in to unmask], 10 Jun 2004 12:05:19 EDT618_- Hi Ferret Lover's!

Wed, 9 Jun 2004 12:40:10 EDT
text/plain (18 lines)
Why in the world are we spending so much time in this forum, complaining
about a MOVIE where FAKE FERRETS are being used as food?  I don't see
anyone sending mail to directors about actors eating fried chicken (made
from real chickens) , or hamburgers (made from real cows), etc.  Why get
so worked up over a movie that is a fantasy movie to begin with - where
fantasy creatures are eating fake ferrets?  Sometimes I think that some
folks can tend to get a little too zealous about topics like this.
Please kids - no slams needed!  Please know that - any ferret being
hurt or abused, misuesed, etc..  upsets me just as much as the next
person, (probably more so than most).  I just like to see this forum
used constructively - to share stories of help - fun, and good things!
Thanks all - and remember my opinion, is simply that.  Just an opinion.
Please DO NOT send me personal email to slam me on this one.  If you feel
the need to respond to this (and I would prefer you don't) - then do so
thru the FML.
[Posted in FML issue 4539]