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Sat, 2 Apr 2005 02:24:26 -0500
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi all, wells I is back online once again, Mommy was really sick and I
tought for a bit dat she might be joining me here and she had a lots of
family problems which are not to bes believed.  I had been wit Mommy for
all dose years and I tought I knew all dose tings, but no matters what
finally Mommy always makes it thru.  So sorry for not being ables to
post, but I did checks on Ziggy.  I did it back on March but sorrys dat
it didnt make it until todays.  Hopes you forgives Mommy.
I tells Ziggy all you tells me and by golly he says for you to turn on
and plays MTV for him and eat de bagels while you is doing it and playing
Music and Taz my earth buddy may help you eat dat bagel.  Would you
believes it we donts have bagels here.  De Boss says its bad for clores
something.  Sigh--I loves bagels esp dose wit raisings.
But I will lets Ziggy tell you and dis is directly from his mout.  Hiya
mommy, I mets up wit de girls jes fine and we is all settled in and
yeppers we have MTV here too.  Love dat loud music Mambo #5 is a blast
wit all de musteys here.  I is wearing blued spangles wings and a blue
halo to match now--we gets to change every once in a bit--for variety de
Boss says.  I sures misses you and Taz but you give him the bite of bagel
now.  Life is too short without a bagel ha-ha.  Oh you burned my fwag--oh
well you just has to get a fwag for Taz now.  We has tootbrushes heres
too--we all take turns scratches each other wit them.  We each have
one--more clean dat way according to de Boss.  I misses you a lot
Mommy--I hopes you takes in more homeless furrys and give dem good homes
too.  Each of us musteys have special personalities--whooo big word--but
each is cute in his/her own way.  I checks at de reflecting pool every
day Mommy and pwease pwease dont cwy so much.  Maybe next month de Boss
will let me slide down de comet's tail and make a visit to you yous will
know its me by the whisper dooks in you ears and by de flutter of my
whiskers.  I visited you de other nite but you was so sound asleep dat
I just whispers dooks very softly and watch you and you smiled in your
So dere you go Mommy Laurel, I hopes dat you dont cry so much and Ziggy
and his furry business are great furfriends here--we all likes dem.  I
sure is sorrys for Mommy doing dis, but hoomans are just humans
Love dooks and Peace On Earth
SaraFerret and Ziggy
[Posted in FML issue 4835]