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Mon, 14 Feb 2005 11:13:03 -0500
David Smith <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (39 lines)
Last week we saw a post in the forum re a ferret fun day in Ohio.
After a moments debate we decided to leave the green hills of Kentucky
for what would be Sues first ferret fun day, and besides it was raining.
Chores done, two of the boys packed and off we go.
As we were unloading the boys and their "stuff" other cars were pulling
in, and suddenly there are ferrets in carriers making a furry pilgrimage
to the Meeting hall.
We found Lori and her other club members to be wonderful people.
After introductions and the arrival of even more ferrets and their humans
Lori gave a short lesson on how to introduce a fur kid to the magic of
Ferretone.  She also gave a great lesson on clipping ferret toenails.  I
have to admit she was One of the smoothest nail clippers I've ever seen.
The ferret games were fun for all and everyone had a good time.
One of the things that struck me was the behavior of the young people
there.  They were all not only very young, but so "professional" in the
handling of their ferrets.  And it was heart warming to see how their
ferrets were bonded to their young caregivers.
It was a long drive for us and unfortunately we had to leave early due to
other plans, but our boys had a good time and we met some great fellow
Oh by the way, one of our boys, Tater Gater Blaze won a first place and
two second place ribbons in the games, of course we were proud parents.
Thanks to all there for the chance to participate.
Sue, David and the Kentucky fur kids
"Cogito ergo armor" "I think, therefore I am armed."
Col. Jeff Cooper
[Posted in FML issue 4789]