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Wed, 29 Dec 2004 10:51:48 EST
"Dawn Smith, LOS National" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
Below is the letter i have emailed to Petsmart's Customer Service
Representative, Jennifer:
 Petsmart Wrote   -
"Ferrets offered during our pilot period come exclusively from our
own carefully selected supplier, are spayed or neutered, de-scented,
vaccinated against rabies and have received their first set of distemper
shots.  We also will not sell them until they're at least 10 weeks old."
Jennifer, As per our discussion via the telephone.  Here are the links
regarding descenting, distemper vaccinating and rabies vaccinating.  As
I have discussed with you, descenting is not necessary as the odor comes
from hormones and oils under the skin.  Ferrets often sweat under their
skin which during warmer months will cause a slight musk.  As many vets
in the links below have stated, the only true way to decrease the musk
is by spaying and neutering the ferret.  Descenting is an extremely
difficult proceedure and can cause fatalities.  Several vets that I am
aware of will not do this proceedure unless it is medically necessary.
As for vaccinating against distemper, please see the link for the Merck
Manual stating that ferrets should be vaccinated three times in the first
year, each vaccination being two weeks apart.  If the babies are being
shipped at 10 weeks of age and with one vaccination, will Petsmart be
continuing the series of shots if the ferret is not adopted in a two
week period.  Also if the ferret is adopted after is it received, how
are you insuring that the new pet owner will be continuing the series
of vaccinations.  Without at least two shots, the baby or those babies
could be at a higher risk of contracting distemper.
In regards to vaccinating against rabies.
You stated the ferrets are shipped at 10 weeks of age?
Please see the link below for rabies vaccination.  Ferrets should be
vaccinated against rabies no younger than 12 weeks of age.
Also the other concern I am not sure Petsmart is considering is how close
are the distemper and rabies shots being distributed together?  he shots
should be given at least 1-2 weeks apart to ensure no reaction between
the two of them.  This is often why most will vaccinate against distemper
at 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 12 weeks and then rabies at 14 weeks.  Some vary on
beginning age but rabies is generally given after the series of distemper
shots.  Also some states have different yearly vaccination schedules,
for example in Iowa, the rabies vaccination is good for 3 years.  But in
Pennsylvania it is only good for 1 year.  Some states may have different
schedules on distemper vaccinations as well (may be 1, 2 or 3 years).
Has Petsmart done research on the areas they are selling kits to make
sure that the proper information is being distributed to potential ferret
I am an avid shopper of Petsmart and was of Petco until they began
selling ferrets.  If Petsmart truly wants to proceed, in PA alone, they
will loose several customers including my entire family which is 55
people and each spends on average $100 a month at your store.  Please
keep in mind that not only will the signers of the petition not be
purchasing at your store but also their family and friends.  As your
market research department can confirm, the best advertising is word
of mouth.  Word of mouth can go both ways and usually bad comments
spread much quicker than good.  Please take all the information into
consideration when making your ultimate decision.  Petsmarts position
not to sell ferrets was one of the reasons I started coming to your
store and so many others.  The public may have a demand but why not ask
rescues to give you business cards and let them do the adopting.  Unless
this is truly a new money making scheme.  Also what accreditations and
experience does your vet have with ferrets?
Sincerely, Dawn Smith
http://www.cypresskeep.com/Ferretfiles/Odor-FUSA.htm - statements from
several ferret vets on descenting http://www.ferrethaven.org/ferrets.htm
- Shelters opinion and experience on descenting
http://www.weaselwords.com/pages/art026.asp -
from a well known ferret vet, Dr. Susan Brown, DVM
http://drexotic.com/care_ferrets.htm -
from another ferret vet, Jeffrey Jenkins, DVM
descenting http://www.ferretaid.org/cruelty/cruel_breeders.html - please
read articles on descenting
"Ferrets should be routinely vaccinated against canine distemper with
modified live virus or chicken-embryo tissue culture origin only.
Modified live canine distemper virus vaccines of ferret-culture origin
should not be used because of vaccine-induced disease.  Inactivated
distemper virus vaccine produces questionable immunity.  Vaccination
should begin at 8-10 wk of age (4-6 wk if the dam has no titer) and
repeated at 10-12 wk, then every 2-3 yr." - from
Rabies: "Ferrets, as all warm-blooded animals, are susceptible to rabies.
This is passed from animal to animal through bites.  There is not
treatment for rabies -- all animals die.  We generally give a rabies
vaccination at twelve weeks of age and then yearly.  I use the only
vaccine approved in the United States for ferrets, Emrab-3 also
manufactured by the Merial Corporation." -
written by Ron Hines 1/9/04 - http://www.2ndchance.info/fervacs.htm
"Ferrets are assumed to be highly susceptible to rabies and capable of
transmitting the virus.  A killed rabies vaccine should be given
annually, starting at 3 months of age." -
[Posted in FML issue 4742]