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Mon, 20 Dec 2004 10:00:59 -0800
sandee ferret <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
::waving:: Chello, Chello, Chello all.
I have news to report.  I made a new friend.  A really pretty sable girl
named Rosie came strolling across the bridge.  We rubbed noses and I
started off with telling her how much her mommy, old friends and Minka
loves her.  They will always love her.  That's forever even though her
time on earth was not.  I also told her that before she knows it, time
will fly up here and she and Minka will be together once again.  This put
her at ease, so we could move on to bridge business.  Like, surprising
Cinnamon, Jillian, Sabrina, Pepper, Wriggley, Zoey and Marble!  With a
fill in, that was enough for a baseball team.  So we went over to the
fields and started up a game with another team right away.  We called
ourselves the Bombers.  I let Rosie be catcher.  Big mistake.  Marble
pushed the ball foward and nosed the ball into a deadley curveball.  The
batter missed, and then Rosie caught it.  But then Rosie, ran off with
the ball dooking!  She ran with the ball around the bases, slid into
homebase, and then spiked the ball yelling, "Goal!" So Sabrina sat down
with her to explain the rules.  The next try, Rosie was up for bat.
The other team pitched the ball and Rosie narrowed her eyes ... hunched
forward ... and then boof!  She had jumped square in front of the ball,
and blocked it with her tummy!  She yelled, "Save!" So, we've set up
baseball camp for her to get more acquainted with the game.  She's very
tenacious though and I feel very confident that she'll get the hang of it.
[Posted in FML issue 4733]