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Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:31:34 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (129 lines)
I'm only posting because it might be of interest to some to hear from me
concerning vaccines since I have an autistic child (Sean, of Sean and
Rocky).  I think the debate has been very constructive because all sides
have been considered.  Mary's post was particularly interesting to me.
Most of what every party has stated is true to a degree.  So it's good
that we consider all this information as a whole so that we can be better
informed to make good decisions for ourselves as well as for our pets.
I know it seems like we strayed off the topic of ferrets.  On some levels
we have.  But basically it's important that we speak of human vaccines in
some part, as we are also mammals and have been studied a great degree
concerning this topic.  Ferrets can't speak.  Due to protective instincts
they d on't even let on that illness nor injury have occurred much of the
time.  We can't ask a ferret, "are you retarded now, are you autistic,
are you clumsy due to neurologic cause or poisoning?" So we do, to a
degree have to discuss it concerning humans a bit.
I wanted to break this topic down a bit as it seems it has generalized a
bit much.
- Do we, do ferrets, get too many vaccines too closely together?
- Are the vaccines necessary?
- Do vaccines cause neurological damage such as autism in humans, what
  are the risks?
- What of mercury additives?  Are they in human vaccines, are they
  harmful to humans?
- Do ferret vaccines use mercury additives?
- Are ferret vaccines well studied?
These as well as other issues all sort of got clumped up together, and
that is not good to do.  This confuses things greatly.  The biggest thing
that I saw, was misinformation about the mercury preservatives.  Another
confused issue I saw is that people are confusing whether vaccines cause
problems or the mercury.  Some people mistakenly group both issues
I saw this particular statement by someone:
"Most vaccines used in children don't contain mercury preservative."
Yes, this is in part true.  But, this has only been true RECENTLY... very
recently.  And why?  Because concerned parents pushed for many years
about this issue.  Despite proof that there was just far too much
cumulative preservative given to children in today's suggested some 21
vaccines (that are given in a short few years as compared to a few
vaccines given over many years in the past), and despite the fact that
Europe has long been aware of the risks and stopped using it ... it took
years of presenting the facts to congress to get things changed.  It was
mind boggling to sit there and watch 2+2 added equaling 4 in front of
several panels, and see them in turn question whether the preservative
was harmful.  It was in the vaccines.  The blood values in children
were/are hardly acceptable.  The levels found in many autistic children
far exceed what is safe.  They said on one hand one level of mercury was
unsafe, yet on the other hand, they looked at the cumulative amounts
contained in vaccines and scratched their butts.  But does that make the
vaccines themselves bad, or vaccinating children dangerous?  No, they are
two separate issues.  But I must say, once again, it has been a long hard
struggle to bring awareness to the public ... when it was a very simple
issue.  And the whole point I'd like to make here, is that none of this
would have been learned if a handful of concerned parents didn't question
the usage and numbers and pursue the matter.  What the most idiotic part
of all was ... was that it's not even necessary to use it in vaccines.
So what was all the ruckus about?  Any amount of mercury is potentially
harmful.  That would be harmful to ferrets as well.  Is this preservative
used in their vaccines?  I don't know.  I hope not.  Maybe someone can
tell us?
Do humans get too many vaccines?  I don't know.  I know I am not nuts
about the increasing number.  Do they get too many too close together
and/or too young.  I vehemently say yes.  Does this pertain to ferrets?
Not really.  On this issue, I think the FML veered completely off topic.
Ferrets only get two types of vaccines.  In fact, much of the time they
only get one ... distemper.
Are these two ferret vaccines given too closely together?  Well, we all
know that we should separate the two at least by three weeks.  I think
that is logical, and adequate.  Hmm.  Given the life span of a ferret is
6-8 years, that's a marked time span.  Yet, we humans try to give huge
groups of vaccines in the same year to children (groups in a day as
well).  Oh, sorry, off topic again.
Are either of the two ferret vaccines given too frequently (yearly)?
Boy, I'd love this answer.  I think more scientific study needs to be
done concerning this issue.  But if I choose to vaccinate at all, I'll
do so according to what we know so far, that is yearly.  I personally
venture to say, that I think this might be fine tuned at some point ...
and that the vaccines last long er than a year.  But even if this is
proven to be found, I might be wrong, as it may be safer to recommend it
yearly (even if the timing is slightly off) so that none are skipped.
There is no sense debating this right now until more studies come out
either way.  It's a colossal waste of time.  If you choose not to
vaccinate, this shouldn't concern you.  If you do, you might as well do
yearly, because it what if less than that is not enough ... if so, you'd
be wasting your time.
Do human vaccines harm humans?  Well, when there is that uncommon or even
rare reaction, sometimes fatally so.  But it's very uncommon.  It far
outweighs the risks of not vaccinating.  I truly think that.  Well, maybe
not th e umpteen we are given.  Too much of anything is not good.
Moderation is best.  But, I'll let the experts hash it out until I really
see differently (no I'm not turning a blind eye).  Do ferret vaccines
hurt ferrets?  Ah now there is a good question.  In general, over a
general population no, in fact it saves most of their lives every dang
day given that distemper is lurking on virtually every blade of grass!
Now how many are hurt due to reactions, what percentage?  I'd suuuure
like to know.  I'd sure like to know long term effects.  Not because I'd
stop giving vaccines if I found out my ferret was mentally retarded, or
that my friend ferret died young because of them ... but because then I'd
do what the autism parents did and do ... not stop vaccines, but BETTER
Are ferret vaccines well studied?  Pretty well.  But more needs to be
studied as this is a very new area in pet ownership considering.
Well, thanks for hearing me out.  Like I said, I know some of you were
curious as to how I felt having Sean.  Would I give him the vaccines
again?  Yes.  But very sadly so.  I'd rather have him and save him from
the diseases the y protect him against than not at all.  Would I change
the vaccines?  YES.  Case in point, we were so quick to jump the gun with
pertusis vaccines, we were giving partially live virus's to our kids
(even though Europe and Japan had stopped), and have a whole population
of children that were hurt by them.  Case in point, we were quick to look
at the mercury additive and think, "well that won't hurt much" and didn't
consider that 21 of those "not muches" add up.  So, as with anything,
they and the schedule we have our kids on, can stand improvement.  Sort
of liiiiiiiiiike ........ um ........ our ferrets?
[Posted in FML issue 4649]