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Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Jul 2004 07:41:12 EDT
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi Nicole!  Your ferret is just as ferrety as any other. :)  Don't worry
okay?  There is nothing for you to do at all and nothing you need to know
about their health really.
If your ferret has been deaf since birth or near so, they are especially
fine.  They do not know that they are deaf at all.  Think about this way.
What if I came to you and said, "Nicole, did you know your handicapped?
Yah.  You don't have one of the six senses the rest of us have, you only
have five.  We have the xxxxx sense and can do xxxxx.  Don't you feel
handicapped and sad?"  See what I mean?  Ferrets use their sense of smell
the most.  So in particular they don't seem to miss hearing.  In fact
I"m sure that many deaf ferret owners will tell you that well adjusted
deaf ferrets are calmer than average ferrets.  They enjoy the outside
and traveling more.  They don't seem to fear running water and baths as
much.  So you can enjoy your ferret!
The only thing I can think of is that you might want to take your ferret
in for a routine check up.  Just to make sure your ferret isn't deaf from
severe mite infestations or infections, etc..  Get a good overall vet
check, that's always wise.
I have a website about deaf ferrets, in case you are interested in
particulars.  Go to my site down below and you'll find the link to it.
Also in that index you'll find a link to a poem about deaf ferrets, and
also "Pings Errant Bull" and Pongs Coke Adventure.  Those are two fun
pages about our deaf ferrets.  The Ping site is cute because its so
typical of deaf ferrets.
Enjoy!  Oh and also, linked to the actual deaf ferret site is an egroup
like this one for deaf ferret owners.
[Posted in FML issue 4563]