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Wed, 6 Oct 2004 15:48:47 -0400
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Just wanted to let people know that I just found out that we have 2 great
ferret vets here in the Hudson Valley.  I took one of my guys to the
emergency clinic due to blocked bladder.  Because it was close to closing
time for them, they sent me to a vet nearby knowledgable with ferrets.
LONG story short, Nanook needed 2 surgeries in 2 days because they could
not pass a catheter.  The vet came up with a plan to insert a tube from
the bladder directly to the 'outside', to give the Lupron injection time
to work and reduce the prostrate swelling.  2 days later they removed the
tube, and he is pee'ing fine now.
These wonderful vets did these surgeries, conferred with other notable
vets, called me with updates every few hours, and gave me TONS of
assistance while I had him home with me while the tube was still
inserted.  The vet I was using was not really ferret knowledgable, but I
hadn't found any when I was 'vet interviewing'.  I now am definitely
switching over to them for all of our pets.
One of these vets just came to the area about a year ago, so I guess if
you're not 100% confident with your present vet, you should check your
local vets every once in awhile to see if anyone new has arrived in the
Anyway, these miracle workers are:
Dr. Sandra Kudrak
Dr. Alan Peterson
Community Animal Hospital
Poughkeepsie, NY
Sharon Lieberman
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[Posted in FML issue 4658]