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Sun, 18 Jul 2004 09:37:15 -0700
WENDY HOCHMAN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I didn't get to see this last night but my son came into my computer
room last night very upset because there was a skit preformed on MAD TV
last night where during a talk show with Jay Leno, a women was being
interviewed asked if she could bring her baby out.  When she did she
placed the baby (doll) down on a table.  After a couple minuets Jay makes
the comment "shouldn't you pay more attention to your baby".  With that
the women looks over at the baby (doll) and there are two live ferrets
on the baby.  Seeing this the women screams "Oh my baby!" rushes over
and throws the ferrets off the baby (doll).
From what my son told me the women was not gentle when she threw (not
tossed) the poor ferrets.
Normally I don't fuss about spoofs (i.e. Harry Potter, Budweiser, Whoopi
Goldberg) but this one was uncalled for.  I just thank God they didn't
use a real baby.
Pardon me while I go hug my six pack kids.
[Posted in FML issue 4578]