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Thu, 3 Jun 2004 02:25:55 -0700
Bill and Michelle Echols <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (63 lines)
Life with ferrets.... up to 15 now.  Life with ferrets means designing
and building your dream home, always placing the ferrets perspective and
safety before aesthetics.... and feeling so very lucky to be able to do
so!  Doors and appliances lowered, 1/2 doors, sliding 24" barriers, the
ferrets 'sleeping quarters' (as big as the humans), kitchen, dining,
computer room, and living room designed so that a blanket can be pulled
in a REALLY big circle through ALL of the rooms...the ferrets version of
"choo-choo train".
Life with ferrets means that any new comers are welcome, but kept safe...
and if it means turning the library into another sleeping quarter...so be
it (HI BU!!!).  The fuzzies enjoy a book or 50..  as long as it's on the
Life with ferrets means never having to be alone....even in the bathroom!
Their radar so acute that all can be asleep... and before you hit the
bathroom door, there are 6 of 'em ahead of you wanting to help!  Same
with the laundry, they really get into sorting the clothes... someday we
may even find those missing socks!  (I doubt it, and the ferts claim the
washer ate them).
Life with ferrets means you have your Vet's phone number memorized, and
he and his wife have cried with you over the loss of yet another terminal
fuzzie's death, consoling you while your body is wracked with sobs,
saying "I can't do this any more, it hurts too much." your Vet saying
"That is why you must" Being lucky enough to make enough money to set
some aside each month, knowing that the fuzzies that share their lives
with you will need it... far more important than any vacation, new car,
or new clothing.
Life with ferrets means you do not take vacations away from home... who
else will drag the blanket, play chase the weasel-weasel chase me?  Who
would be willing to clean their litter boxes twice a day (they are very
particular... they check first, and if it isn't up to their standards,,,
you guessed it..  political statement on the floor!) Feeding them the
best ferret food you can, and happiness felt when they flourish, with
shiny thick coats, bright eyes, bouncy dooks, and a bit of heft (except
you Zorro!..  it's the bow-flex for you!)
Life with ferrets means they come first.  They have to.  They are all
such loves, and so need their humans to love them, care for them, clean
for them, cuddle, snuggle, and play with them.  Only ferret people
understand how much more effort and energy goes into a home with ferrets,
the payback in kisses, dooks, chirps and clucks is more than worth it!
Life with ferrets means you may have to stay up all night, or several
nights, coaxing a very ill ( and as Troy Lynn pointed out) , saddened and
depressed ferret into staying alive, convincing him through and through
that his life is precious, and NO ONE will ever ever neglect abuse,
abandon, or not love him again!  I had not thought of the possibility of
sadness and loss for Bu, but to be that neglected, and still to love,
this ferret is all heart!  As a Guardian Ad Litem, as well as an RN, I
kick myself for not recognizing the symptomology of depression in Bu.
He's our first "depressed" fuzzie, grieving over his loss of a familiar
human, and like kids, he probably was always hoping for that love to be
returned, acknowledged.  He is now in a for-ever home, and will be loved
(It's 2 am... do you know where your fuzzie is?... (Back to the library
and Bu!)
Ferrets forever!  Hugs, Michelle and the fuzzies
[Posted in FML issue 4533]