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Tue, 18 May 2004 05:37:22 -0500
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First, stop hitting your fuzzy, on the nose or where ever.  It doesn't
work, and can make the situation worse by seeming aggressive to the
ferret.  (besides possibly hurting the ferret).
You will get tons of advice on how to make them quit biting, but this is
what I've done, and it works for me, 100%.  (so far).
When you baby bites, immediately yell "ouch" or "no bite".  Then pick
him up and scruff him firmly (that means hold him like a mama ferret by
the loose skin at the back of the neck).  Look him in the face and say
firmly, but not yelling, "NO", or "NO BITE".  Put him down and continue
play.  If/when he does it again, repeat the scruff and no bite command.
It took me three days of constant work with my worst biter, and
abuse/neglect case and my first rescue.  With her I would tell her NO
BITE and put her in the empty tub for a minute or two.  ( I used to take
them into the bathroom with me while I got ready for work. )  She just
loved to get the smallest amount of skin she could on the top of my foot
and pinch like heck.  After the first few times she would bite and run,
so I had to chase her down, but I still would do the scruff and no thing.
She did finally get it although to the day she died she would put her
closed mouth on my foot then run like heck!  (laughing the whole time)!
Sweet silly thing.  Our biggest challenge was Killy, who would lick,
lick, lick, chomp.  It got so we didn't want to pick him up for fear of
being bitten, so I just wore a long sleeve jacket when I held him.  Then
when he chomped down we did the scruff and no thing, and no one was left
bleeding and scared.  We got him just after Christmas, and he hasn't
bitten in months now.  (he's the sweetest baby in the business).
[Posted in FML issue 4517]