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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 0410 1525 24 15_Hope for [log in to unmask], 1 Oct 2004 06:51:16 -0700372_- Dear little Dakota

I'm sorry you have those ulcer things in your tummy. Your mommy is
giving you medicine, I Hope that makes your tummy feel better so you can
eat and get stronger. I am sending get better wishes to you and your
mommy Ada.

I'm still sending good thoughts to all the Florida friends that are still
affected from the storms. [...]43_1Oct200406:51:[log in to unmask] 0410 1550 14 25_Re: [log in to unmask] [log in to unmask], 1 Oct 2004 10:47:23 EDT429_- Wow, I hope you get answers. If you get any privately, could you
encourage them to post on the FML? I had a ferret do this, and he died.
Actually the vet was perplexed, and paniced, and said he was in such
rough shape we should put him down. So we did. I"ve heard something
about shock in ferrets and gushing blood from the rectum ... and that
it's possible to recover. I hope he continues to be well. [...]36_1Oct200410:47:[log in to unmask] 0410 1565 25 9_Poisoning12_Carol [log in to unmask], 1 Oct 2004 13:32:24 -0400565_- This is for all of you who are really in the know medically. If ferrets
were intentionally poisoned, what would the symptoms be? This would be
for any kind of poisoning you might know of. If there is something that
could be given that would be undetectable and cause slow intestinal

The ferrets are in intensive care. 3 have died. No cause obvious.
They are not mine, and the person has no internet access. Everyone is
at a loss, and we need ideas. They were in a group of 8. All got sick
at the same time. No ADV, [...]40_1Oct200413:32:[log in to unmask] 0410 1591 11 32_VET NEEDED - GREEN BAY WISCONSIN19_Ferret Wise [log in to unmask], 1 Oct 2004 18:54:31 -0400221_- If anyone is aware of a ferret knowledgeable vet in the area of Green Bay
please notify : [log in to unmask] ASAP

Urgent need probable addisonian crisis...

Alicia D.
[Posted in FML issue 4653]46_1Oct200418:54:[log in to unmask] 0410 1603 40 35_Correction (yeesh, not this again!)13_Rebecca [log in to unmask], 1 Oct 2004 11:15:41 EDT471_- I really didn't want to bring this topic up (again), but I need to. A
friend pointed out that a sentence in my post about vaccinating was very
confusing. It indeed was unclear and could be easily interpreted as
meaning the OPPOSITE of what I was trying to say.

I posted:
>Well, then there is that uncommon or even rare reaction, sometimes
>fatally so. But it's very uncommon. It far outweighs the risks of not
>vaccinating." [...]36_1Oct200411:15:[log in to unmask] 0410 1644 35 6_A game13_Rebecca [log in to unmask], 1 Oct 2004 12:21:25 EDT570_- I have great fun emailing friends with games about my two boys. One is
"Where's Chet now". Then I give a list of possibilitie
Fri, 1 Oct 2004 20:21:48 -0700
text/plain (28 lines)
As we feared, Sandy's Cryptococcosis was too far advanced for treatment.
It had manifested as "alergies" (stupid ignorant vet) since she was six
weeks old, since we found she was kept in a basement before being taken
to a ferret shelter at that age.  At over two years old, the disease was
too ingrained to treat, according to veterinary text and lab advice.
Frankly, she had no quality of life; even the Pred couldn't stop her
coughing the last two days.  She stopped eating well (not on Sporonox,
so not the med that did it) and had soft stools/odd smelling urine.  We
are gald she is going to a place where she can breathe calmly again.
Sandee, we sent you Pirate (Rat) exactly two weeks ago on Sept.  17 to be
with his best friend, Smokey.  Please round up those two old-timers to
greet their youngest business member, Sandy.  Sandy loves to sniff out
mysteries, so you might employ her in the lost and found department, and
we do assure you that she does not keep what she finds, but will return
it to it's owner.
Sandee, you now have three of my kids, leaving me three.  Please ask the
ferret angels to pray that our oldest, Nikita, with Insulanoma, doesn't
give up on living wince her best friends are gone.  Yes, Lance and Merlin
are still here, but Niki can't be in their cage since they are young and
routy.  Thanks again!
Lori and the Brats: Lance, Merlin and Nikita
Missing: Pirate, Sandy and Smokey
[Posted in FML issue 4653]