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Fri, 3 Dec 2004 07:33:33 -0500
Tammy&Jeff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
Hello everyone.  I have not posted for awhile.  4 months back we lost
our Jinx to tumors around his kidney.  he was 6 1/2......now I truely
understand what it feels like to loose such a sweet animal.
4 weeks ago I got a 7 week year old little boy kit that we named Zues.
We have tried the following to try to train him NOT to bite: we use
bitter apple spray on our hands when we handle him, we have tapped him on
the nose after he bites and states a firm "NO!" (when we tap his nose I
thuink he thinks we are playing, and he just bites us again right after),
we have scruffed him with a gentle shake and a stern "NO!"....as soon as
we put him down from his scruffing, he goes wild and bites again.  We are
at wits end.......We do not know what to do.  We were so lucky when we
had Jinx, he NEVER bit us or anyone.  Does anyone have any suggestions?
We will take any!  Please help us!
[Posted in FML issue 4716]