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Fri, 24 Sep 2004 14:51:41 -0400
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>Did you drop out of school young?  That means the school no longer had
>any obligation to the state to see that you were properly immunized.
Properly immunized?  That is a personal decision to each person as to
what is proper .  Chickenpox vaccine, that is one of the newer ones.  Let
the child develop natural immunity to it.  Let s stop adding more and
more assaults on childrens developing bodies.  The body does have ways to
deal with things.  I'm all for advancements, but some things are actually
making us more susceptible.  And this gets passed on, generation to
generation.  Soon we will have assaulted our systems so much that the
common cold will be deadly.  We are not allowing our bodies to do it's
job.  The ramifications of the overuse of antibiotics is a good example.
Let's build stronger bodies, not weaker ones.
>Why do I know this junk?  Because I work with peoples medical records.
>And I read in them the sometimes terrible price we pay for not immunizing
>our kids.  They're all our kids.  They are all beautiful.  Please make
>sure they get their shots, even if they are seventeen and driving you
>mad because they just dropped out of the eleventh grade.
And when making that decision please have all the facts, and not just one
side.  There are a lot of beautiful kids out there that have been harmed
by vaccinations.  There is always 2 sides.  Unfortunately one side is not
talked about or is not acknowledged.  There are alot of vaccine reactions
and health problems that go unreported.  This is part of the problem.
People need to do that, with their children or their pets.  Report it.
I hope every person here who has had a ferret (or any animal) have a
reaction or had a health problem show up after vaccinating has reported
it.  Your vet should be doing it.  Same with your kids.  Make your voice
heard that you want safer alternatives.  Whether that is better vaccines,
or the looking into of different protocols that may reduce the chances of
damage.  If it isn't known what is really going on, then nothing will be
*It is common knowledge that less than 10% of all adverse events
following vaccinations are reported to VAERS, which means that instead of
the 12,000 to 14,000 reports of hospitalizations, injuries, and deaths
made every year, there may be as many as 120,000 to 140,000.*
*As a result of this physician-reluctance to report vaccine reactions,
large numbers of reactions may be taking place beyond the currently
established time limits of the latent period, unrecognized as to their
true nature.*
My posts have been about getting information out there.  Not to tell
people what they should do.  I can only decide that for myself.  If
someone chooses to vaccinate yearly because they feel it is best, then I
respect their choice.  I may not agree with it, but at least I will know
that they have had access to more information than they have been given
in the past and made an informed decision.
[Posted in FML issue 4646]