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Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Sep 2004 11:28:33 EDT
text/plain (70 lines)
Hi all, just an update on Sean and Rocky for you.  Rocky is getting to be
an elderly gentleman (Sean has a tux for him to prove it), but he doens't
know it.  He's always had an infantile way about him compared to other
ferrets.  So, he's ageless to us.  He's been blessed with great health
(knock on wood everyone).  Rocky's been very busy helping Sean with
Sean has a great deal of homework this year because he is working very
hard on furthering his education to be included in all regular ed
classes.  He only has three more classes to go, and he is on the schools
varsity cross county team.  He has no interest in track because he
say's "it's too easy".  He is mainstreamed nicely right into all other
activities, and regular ed classes with virtually no help (a rare thing
with autistics) very nicely.  He want's it that way.  Of course it's be
much faster with an aid, shadow, or any kind of help.  But he won't have
it.  He's very proud, and I think that has helped with his social
acceptance.  Attention is not brought to him this way.
Sean has been generalizing over to loving and caring for all other
animals, even bugs.  He worries about people being "rude" to animals.
Very ironic and cute being that he is autistic.  This past spring he
took great interest in helping me rehab two orphaned birds.  It's very
delicate work, and he fell right into it.  I have a fab picture of him
doing this, and if anyone want's to see, email me and by Monday I"ll
email you the picture.
Now on to the funny story.  All four of us split the ferret chores
(although my bad hubby has got out of a ton of work this year).  The
other day, I was upstairs, and I heard pounding footsteps coming up
stairs.  It was Sean.  He stood half way up, and with gritted teeth
and fisted hands, yelled (he thought he was restraining himself lol),
"Mom ... who did the ferrets last?!".  With alarmed eyes, I was all to
happy and relieved to be able to point the finger at his older brother,
"CHET, um, Chet did ... why?"  He went on, with awkward gestures, "well,
HEEEEEEEEE did NOT fill the food bowls last night!  And Mom?  Those
ferrets were staaaaaarving.  They starving all the night, mom.  I got
the food, and they all ran to it eating, Mom.  You need to yell at Chet,
because .... (struggling for words) you need to do something or punish
him or something, Mom."
I finally interupted his rant, and calmly told him how right he was, and
how bad that was, and for him not to worry that I would take care of this
and come down on Chet.  I then made him feel better by telling him that
the prior day I had checked their food in the late afternoon and there
was still some in there, so they went without through the night was all.
He felt much better, but he didn't like the last part of my statement
lol.  He caught his breath, and then moved on.  Later, Chet came through
the door.  I was in the bathroom.  By God, if Sean wasn't standing on the
other side of the door ... interupting my, my,.... bathroom time.  He
started up, "Mom?!  Did you talk to Chet yet?  Because..." I was so mad.
LOL.  I yelled back to him that I was trying to go to the bathroom and
to get the heck away from me.  I repeated that he's to not to worry about
it, and I"d yell at Chet.
Poooooooor Chet.  I sat him down and read him the riot act for Sean.  I
also read myself the riot act in my head.  Because although Chet is well
into High School now and a highly resposible and skilled caretaker of
these animals, he is still afterall ... a kid.  And as a parent, I should
always look over these kids shoulders.  Of course it's truly no issue, as
you know, for ferrets to not have food in the night (many people do not
free feed, but feed them seperate meals very succesfully).  But you know,
one tiny oversight, can lead to a major issue with kids.
I gotta tell you though, after my initial shock at Sean blowing up, I had
to fight back smiles ... it was just too cute.
[Posted in FML issue 4632]