Hi Wayne I had great success with Frontline put on the back of the neck to control ear might. Towards the end of last year I took a rescued litter to see my vet because they were covered in fleas and most had a very bad case of ear mites. The first thing my vet did was to use Frontline on all of them and within a few days most of the problem was gone. http://www.geocities.com/houseferrets13uk/tony-pet.html Most of my ferrets have been seen on UK National Television http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/environment/programmes/countryfile/ These sites are people who own or want to talk about. whole ferrets http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/house-ferrets http://groups.msn.com/UKHouseFerretsSmallPetsAssociation http://www.geocities.com/houseferrets13uk/index.html http://www.hva-er-galt.com/ssof [Posted in FML issue 4392]