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Fri, 2 Jul 2004 15:23:43 -0400
sukie crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
I am not about to become someone else.  Nor will you.  Nor should either
of us.
If people would not have made the same moral choice in relation to the
privacy of others as I did that's just life.  Those two critics aren't
about to become me and I am not about to become them.  So, they need to
get over the reality that people differ, already.  When I don't have
permission to share I don't share unless the person gives me permission
to do so and then only to the extent indicated.  Other peoples' lives are
not mine to speak about.  It's that simple.  If some people take that
sort of conversation as automatically imparting permission to share then
that is their take and they are welcome to it.  A dear friend is like
that.  She knows that I don't gossip and don't welcome gossip, and I
know that I just can't tell her secrets because if it falls in her ear
it drops off her tongue.  She still is a darling woman who would give a
needy person the shirt from her back and she's the only one here Steve
and I have given an extra set of keys for our home and mailbox because
we trust her.  People differ.  Privacy is something I give strong
respect; I don't even have to like a person to do so because it just is
how I am.  That isn't a crime; it's just a different way of being than
some others have.  I am certain (actually, I know for a fact) that there
are others here who also have strong respect for the privacy of others
and I have the feeling that at least two are even more so that way than
I am.
Can't the posts of "My moral choices should be Sukie's moral choices,
too" and "My personality should be Sukie's personality" just end?
Honestly, I haven't been reading them but I have heard about them from
some people who wrote to me privately and that is how they read those
posts so unless I heard from several people who coincidentally had the
same take on reading... Those two people aren't about to become me and I
am not about to become them.  That's just life.  I don't feel as if I
expect them to become me and think such an expectation to be foolish.
None of us here is going to become someone else in moral and behavioral
choices just because that other person feels that she or he should comply
or obey or subjugate or submerge our own personalities to take on the one
another feels should be had, and none of us should be expected to do so.
*IF* it doesn't hurt anyone (and my failure to name names does not hurt
anyone since I have told what health info I could and which gets across
as fully as can be what the problems encountered were) then we are just
talking about differences in personalities.  Fine, you don't like mine.
That's life.  No biggie.  Everyone here has some people who like them
and some who don't.  I provided you with the health info you needed (See
something like 4 previous posts with that info to help you, including one
yesterday again despite your taking me task over and over.) and still did
not impart what was not mine or not okayed to impart.  You have gotten
the info you needed again and again; you just haven't gotten what I don't
have a right to share (like names) because what isn't mine to share I
don't share.  Get over it, already.  I am not about to say more just
because you want me to, or because you dislike me.  I don't particularly
like you at this point given how I've been treated and what I've been
told of your posts, but I gave you the all info that I had which you
definitely needed to help ferrets and I also let you know ways that you
can find even further info so no ferrets are in the least hurt and
innocent people aren't hurt, either.
People vary; that's life.
(I'm not even angry about this at this point, just bone-deep weary of
it -- even of hearing about it.  I mean, it seems so obvious that none
of us is about to become someone else and none of us is about to have
everyone like them, so why continue?  I didn't deprive anyone of info
needed to help ferrets; I just chose to not share what isn't mine to
share and what I wasn't given permission to share, and to not "out"
people, some of whom now feel too intimidated to speak publicly which
is truly, terribly sad.)
[Posted in FML issue 4562]