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Mon, 20 Dec 2004 04:54:15 EST
Antoinette Lavern <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
Byron had his right rear leg amputated due to injury.  He got a string
from bedding wrapped around his leg.  The Vet and I tried for 4 days to
save the leg..but it lost circulation and he started to get septic.  So
his leg was amputated last Monday evening.
He is doing well.  His incision looks good, he is eating and drinking
plenty.  I am still giving pain meds at night before he goes to bed.
He seems to get uncomfortable late in the evening.
He seems to be struggling with potty issues right now.  I am curious if
anyone out there has a ferret that has lost a hind leg that is male and
how well do they function?  He is doing Ok with pooping most of the
time... though he ends up with poop on his foot.  Most of the time he
ends up peeing on his foot and stomach.  I have been washing him and
keeping him clean.  I have taken away his litter box until after he gets
his stitches out.  He has a soft towel in his potty corner which he uses
to poop on consistantly but at times pees his bedding.  He is strunggling
with balance right now.  He flops and falls over.  He can run and stay
balanced but has not learned to stop or walk without falling over.
He is also early adrenal and we had tried to start melitonin but due to
his injury and surgery we had to stop until after he has recovered.  I
am hoping by then the vet will have the meletonin implant in so he can
try that.
He also came from an abusive, neglected home...he had been starved and
possibly hit, dropped or thrown..so he is not overall the healthiest.
Even though he has his first nice winter fur since I got him...and he
is 0.50 lb heavier than he was when I got him and he still is thin!  He
had a full coat except for his tail before surgery.  He was a bit thin
on his hind end, feet and legs.
[Posted in FML issue 4732]