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Wed, 22 Sep 2004 09:13:41 -0400
text/plain (66 lines)
>From:    sukie crandall
>Honestly, I think that immunity is maybe one of the three biggest ferret
>health areas where lack of foundation most often leads to confusion...
>so I really do suggest that it makes sense for folks to read up on the
>basics and be careful to try to not readjust what you read according to
>what has appeared in popular sites (often written by others without
>foundations).  Then when you have a foundation on how the immune system
>works then re-read the actual studies.  Belief just doesn't trump actual
>numbers and good studies, as well as considering those numbers from
>within the entire population to know RATES.  When it comes to defining
>what is actually happening something firmer than faith in a concept is
>required.  The popular sites tend to be confused often and lacking
>knowledge of the basics.
I agree with this to a point.  But you have to also acknowledge that the
yearly vaccinating is not based on any solid evidence.  And what studies
are out there suggest that duration of immunity is much much longer.  So,
more evidence points to yearly vacs not being necessary and possibly
harmful.  You have no evidence that yearlies are necessary but yet you
have belief in giving them?  Is it so hard to have belief the other way
when there is actual scientific evidence to back it up?  The annual
protocol was devised to go along with seeing the vet yearly.  It wasn't
based on any actual evidence except for that they tested the vaccines out
to a year.  So you are basing your decision on your faith in a concept,
just a different one.
I just recently found a study done in cats:
>Here are two figures from one she considered typical which involved
>MILLIONS of dogs and lasted over an 8 year time frame:
>- THREE cases of autoimmune hemolytic anemia
>- TWO cases of vaccine-related joint inflammation
>Do you know how very, very many dogs died due to NOT having their
>vaccines in those 8 years?  It's huge.  Meanwhile among millions those
>two complications accounted for a total of 5 individuals.  (You can see
>why RATES are important to consider.)
I would question these conclusions on the fact that most vets will not
consider alot of other problems to be vaccine related, such as skin,
digestive, and temperment problems.  Do you know how many pets there are
out there that have had their health compromised?  Or owners whose pets
have changed temperment wise, coincidently after they rec'd vaccinations?
The vets continue to close there eyes to this.  Proof that you can get a
study to show whatever way you want it to show.  The AVMA has
acknowledged overvaccinating and the health problems associated, which
is why they went to the 3yr protocol instead of the yearly.  A step in
the right direction.  A compromise actually between pet owners and vets.
Unfortunately ferrets are not recognized like dogs and cats yet, or maybe
the AVMA would have them listed for the 3yr protocol.  Maybe that would
hold some weight then.
>I was going to spend a lot of time today going through all that you sent
>but frankly a number of your statements that you've made over the last
>year + just don't mesh with how the immune system works, and I have
>limited time to figure out where the confusion is starting.
I don't know what statements you are referring to?  I have used actual
studies to make my points and the links you provided say the same.  I
myself have not had any vaccines since I don't even know when, surely
adults would need to be boostered at some point?  My doc has never
suggested it.
[Posted in FML issue 4644]