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Sun, 4 Jul 2004 17:20:53 -0700
Shelley Abare <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
I just wanted to thank all the wonderful people from the FML who have
taken time to help me with my baby bird.  Peeps is doing well on
moistened, high protien, puppy food.  He has aquired three tiny tail
feathers and loves to cuddle in my hand.  (I don't encourage this, but he
hops out of the box and will leap to the floor if I don't catch him).  He
has the entire family feeding him, even though I told the kids not to.
We are all becoming very attached to the little darling.  (I even dreamed
last night that he learned to say hello).  I have emailed a local wild
animal rehabber and am waiting on a reply.  If she is willing to take
Peeps on then I will check her references and (if good) will turn him
over to her.  Back up plan, suggested by one of you, is to call the zoo
and ask them to take him.
Thank you all again.  I can't tell you how much it means to me to know
that I have such wonderful and knowledgeable people to rely on for so
many things.  You all are terrific.
Shelley and Peeps the pooper
[Posted in FML issue 4564]