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Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 15:11:36 -0500
From: Harry <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (131 lines)
January 24, 2004
MUM NEEDS HELP!!!  Okay I know I should let mum do the asken BUT I want
to play with a human and mum has been SOOOOOOO busy she cant's play with
us much!  Will somebody PLEASE come play with us?
Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Stacie has new work hours so they don'ts get to
come to help mum much anymore, that means mum has lots more to do so she
don't gets to play.  Mum has been trying to get her web page updated, she
has been keeping our shelter cleaned, she has been helpen with the
HelpJean campaign so we really do needs some humans to come play with us.
Morgan, one of Ziggy's far away moms camed yesterday to play with us but
she only gets to stay an hour.  She is a young far away mom so she needs
her dad to bring her and take her home.  I spose I could do more to help
mum but none of the other fur kids wants to play with me.  They says I is
a spoiled mascot and they is not going to play.  Mum says it is not that
I is spoiled (but I know I is) it is she does not mix cage groups and I
is a cage group of my own.  Okay now for the shelter news... Mum gots
this email from a new person in Alaska, this person saw my beauteous face
on mums web so after the email, The Generator is here!  Mum gots a phone
call from these special humans far far away in Alaska, Ross and Lynne,
They said they saw my beauteous face and thought they wanted to help us
gets a chine to make lectric.  Ross called Sears and ordered it for us.
Peter and Kaleigh, wents to Sears to pick it up and deliver it to us.  We
had humans send lectric money for watts, so mum used her puter to ask
them if she can use that money to pay for the lectrician and the special
parts we is going to need to hook up the chine.  Everyone that sents us
lectric and paper money said that would be okay.  BUT mum just found out
we need a part to hook the chine up and that is going to be over $300.00
so if yous still wants to help us, it is not too late, you still can.  We
wants to thank everyone for all their generosity.
Mum, has been busy trying to get all the new products that camed in on
the web page and in the store... Mum needs to make more room in the store
to put all the really cool stuffs that Aunt Ret and her mum Kay is making
for us.  Aunt Ret gaved us a bunch of things for Christmas, a special
cube just for me, I loved it so much I tolds mum she has to talk to Aunt
Ret about getten all these really cool things in the store so all my far
away fur buddies can have some too..  They is all soooo soft and warm.
I love my new cube!  Thanks Aunt Ret!!  Anyway so mum has been spending
lots of hours on the puter and today she said she was going to spend all
day in the store to get all the stuff on the walls..
We has had some new humans come to see us, they is looking to adopt some
fur kids..  They is coming today actually to see us again.  I think I
know who they is going to pick but mum said I could not tell, just in
case they change their minds about who they want.
Yasmina and Oliver's (New kids now here) old mom and dad were so glad
that mum tolds them they could come here that they helped mum get a new
puter up and running..  The dad does that for a living so he said he
could do that for our mum..  I think mum has been driving him crazy with
all her questions BUT bless his heart he helps her all the time.  So if
you did not get a thank you, or have not been told that your donations or
presents got here, let mum know cause she is still trying to get all the
stuff off the old puter onto the new puter and she may have let you slip
through the cracks.
OUCH doesn't that hurt????  I don't wants to slip though no cracks.  my
butt is too big that would hurts me!
Oh yeah, there were some humans that did a movie with a fur butt in it,
they thoughts they was being funny with that fur butt, but me and mum
did not think they were.  Mum and I know that the ferret they used for
running into walls and trash cans was not real, that it was a mechanical
one.  But mum says if a two legged furless kid ( young) sees that they
don't knows that it is not a real ferret, so they could try that with one
of us real fur kids and we would get really hurts.  So mum was a bit up
set that they was what she calls irresponsible, I don't know what that
means, but I do know when mum says that word she gets big eyes and red
in the face.  I also know that when she looks like that get out of the
way!!!!!!!  Mum wrotes a letter to these humans telling them that they
hurt us fur kids, that all the humans out there that have tried to teach
other humans about us and how good we are, that they made us look bad
again.  If you wants to see the letter mum wrote all you need to do is
ask mum she will send it to you.  Aunt Janette played secretary to mum
all week long..  Mum likes to write letters but she needs someone to
make sure she says things correctly and does her letter correctly so Aunt
Janette makes sure she does it right.  Thanks Aunt Janette!  Hey how is
my lovey Breezie?  You gonna bring that little chicky over to see me
soon?  Aunt Stephanie did us up some new name tags for our cages.  Thanks
Aunt Steph!  Aunt Suzanne gaved mum some folders, mum uses them to hand
out to humans that wants to know what we do here, how to adopt a fur kid
and just general stuffs about ferrets and like that, so mum puts all that
in a folder to hand out..  Oh yeah and a new mop too!
Mum is getting things around for the June "Ferret Only Clinic" so watch
for that announcement to come..  She has to tie our favorite Doc down
to a date before she can let yous know when it is..  Speaking of our
favorite Doc, mum has had to take Enya up to see him, Nyxa was back in to
see him.  We has had lots of fur kids getten sick around here..  Nyxa's
BG gots real low Christmas day.  After our favorite Doc checked her over
and put her on meds she is feeling better!  Way to go Doc!!!  Mum thinks
she is going to try to get a BG meter so that she can know what the
numbers are when the kids gets sick..  She says she knows their BG is
low, and she knows what she has to do to get it back up, but she would
feel better if after she fixes them she could check to see what the BG
is once they is feeling better..  She is looking into that BG chine to
see if it is something we should get.
One more thing, BRAVE HEART is STINKY!!!!  Mum says he can't helps it,
that he don't know he is peeing and pooping all over him self but boy is
he stinky!  Mum don't believe in giving fur kids a bath but that Brave
Heart gets to take a shower with mum all the time.  Is a shower the same
thing as a bath?  I do know he smells better once mum gets him out of the
shower but then mum smells different too.  She smells more like a human
than a ferret.  We can always tell when mum is going to go someplace,
she puts on this stinky human smell she calls perfume, we much prefer
her to smell like us, but she says most humans think we stink!  That is
insulting!  Anyway if you humans out there like the way we fur kids smell
drop me a line I is taking a poll to see if mum is telling me the truth,
that most humans think we stink.  just address that message to me I will
gets it!
Well mum says I have done it again, I have talked and talked and now I
have too many pages of news letter.  I say I only tell the portent stuff
that happens around here..  REMEMBER we need some humans to come play
with us please.  Thanks for all you do for us, thanks for all the kind
words to the sick kids and let me know if you think we fur kids stink!
Kibble and Wet Nose Kisses;
Master Largo
The one that don't stink!
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
7823 Woodville Road
Naples, New York 14512
[Posted in FML issue 4405]