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The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 24 Apr 2004 17:12:23 -0400
text/plain (51 lines)
Wow.  It's been a super crazy week at the shelter.  It all started on
Monday with Scarlet coming back into the shelter's care.  She had a
blockage and her owner couldn't afford the surgery.  mommie & auntie
Trish watched the surgery on Tuesday and to their shock, the vet removed
a HUGE rubber BOOB from her intestines!  Scarlet is back at the shelter
and doing well.
On Friday, the shelter took in Quigley.  He was found hiding under a car
in North York.  He was covered in motor oil and very thin.  He's now
washed and resting comfortably at the shelter.  mommie is feeding him
goo and although he fought her at first, he now seems to like it.
On Saturday, the shelter took in Islay (pronounced Isle - ah) .  She was
separated from her older brother to be brought to the shelter.  this made
mommie SOOOOO mad!  Her owner was going away to school and could only
take one ferret with her so she gave up Islay.  mommie sat on the floor
with Islay on her lap and Islay licked mommie's boob.  Auntie Bonnie said
it was because Scarlet had told her that boobs taste good, but mommie
says it's cuz she had accidentally dropped some Tone on her shirt!
Also on Saturday, the shelter took in a little girl named Nibbles.  Her
mommie has been through hell and couldn't keep her anymore.  Nibbles has
adrenal disease and needs surgery which her mom couldn't afford.  You
see, her mom's daddy just passed away.  Nibbles is very scared of other
ferrets and is sad at the shelter.  mommie is hoping in the next few
weeks, she can afford to have Nibbles' surgery done.
Saturday also saw another kid from Oakville Humane Society come in.  His
name is Aiden and mommie thinks he's sooooooo cute.  auntie Paige picked
him up and she KNEW as soon as she saw him that mommie would just kiss
the crap outta him!  she was right!  Aiden is a baby and big.  mommie
just loves the big dumb boy ferts!
Our little nose nipper Dazzle strikes again!  This time it wasn't a
volunteer's or my mommie's nose she bit.  Our poor little Logan thought
he would sniff at Dazzle through the cage and she grabbed his nose and
wouldn't let go!!!  So, Razzle & Dazzle have moved houses to a top floor
where Dazzle can't nose nip any other ferrets while they are out playing.
The shelter is just about at capacity.  so much so that many cages have
had to be altered to be able to house more ferrets.  There are over 10
run groups now and this will not make any of the volunteers happy!
please cross your fingers that either mommie wins the lottery or we
have a miraculous amount of adoptions!
ALL my love, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4493]