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Veronica <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 16:16:21 -0800
text/plain (68 lines)
OMG!! You had to ask!!
4 dogs, 1 cat, 5 ferrets, 3 iguanas, 1 ball python, 1 tarantula, 2 birds,
1 anole, 1 hedgehog, 1 mouse.
Sierra (F) - the 11 yr. old pit bull (neighbors litter)
Red Dog (F) - the 7 yr. old chow mix (stray)
Perdy (F) - 2 1/2 yr. old dachsy/feist  (from friend)
Anna (F)   approx 1 yr old chow/golden retriever (foster)
Shasta (F) - 15 yr. old Siamese (Friends litter)
Roo (F) - 2 yr. old the only girl ferret ("I WANT RAISINS!") (shelter)
Bandit (M) - 2 1/2 yr. Ferret ("I want the socks on your feet") (shelter)
Oddball (M) - 2 1/2 yr. ferret ("GIMME GRAPES!") (shelter)
Ozzy (M) - 2-3 yr old ferret ("Everything is mine to hide!") (shelter)
Aaron (M) - 2-3 yr. old ferret ("Play with me then love me.") (shelter)
Zair (M) - 5 yr. old ig (my pride and joy) (petstore)
Icecube (F) - 2 yr. old ig (a rescue and Zair's pride and joy)
Taji (M)   1 = - 2 yr old (rescue foster)
Mojo (M) - young ball python (surrender)
Posco (M) - 3 yr. old anole (my mom for my daughter)
Arachnia (F) - 14 yr. old curly-hair tarantula (from sister)
Mutt (M) - 7+ yr. old yellow-collared macaw (gift)
Grumpy (M)   age unknown   hedgehog (surrender)
Powder (?)   age unknown   white dove ( foster)
Felony (M) - 2 months - petstore rescue (found on the floor)
All fosters are up for adoption.  Anna and Powder are not listed yet on
the Petfinder site, but will be soon.  Anna needs some weight put back on
her yet and some socialization.
I would not recommend having this many animals, either.  Especially
with so many different species.  We have no life...vacations are very
difficult to manage and the vet bills are enough to give ulcers.  Time is
split between all of them that require it on different schedules on top
of having one full-time job and a part-time one as a member of the humane
soc. here.  I'm web mistress, public relations, photographer, wife and
mom...:)  On the other hand...I have an awesome collection of companions
to show and tell (educate) at anywhere from Girl Scouts to the Youth
   _//      _\\
Henry County Humane Society  http://www.phchs.petfinder.org
[Posted in FML issue 4411]