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Sat, 17 Apr 2004 16:53:48 -0700
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Boy was I not expecting to have to post something like this but you're
never going to believe what happened about my mouse/mice problem!
Several days ago, I sought advice on the FML about how to rid my basement
apt.  of mice in such a way that would not harm my furkids.  I had first
confronted my landlord about he problem about 10 days ago and his
response was, "Well, we've never had that problem before so obviously
it's your ferrets or their food that attracted them but I'll look into
it."  (I had already been planning to move out at the end of this month
but didn't think I should have to live with the mice for 2 more weeks!)
Several days went by and I heard nothing from my landlord so I presumed
he had done nothing because I could still see mouse droppings inside my
place and hear the mice/mouse inside the wall.  Well, unbeknownst to me
my lanlord had gone behind my back, after our initial conversation, and
put "D-CON" pesticide into cracks underneath the house's foundation.  For
reasons still unknown to me, my landlord never told me he did this even
AFTER I CLEARLY stated that I wanted the problem addressed immediately
but DID NOT want him using any kind of metal traps or poisons because my
ferrets could get harmed with either one.
In the meantime, I had taken it upon myself to purchase a "humane" trap
(box) online in hopes that our remaining 2 weeks there would eventually
be mice-free!  (The product arrived yesterday and I intended to use it
last night for the first time).
Before I could put it out last night however, I wasn't home more than 15
minutes and my Snowball walks by with a dead baby mouse in his mouth!!!!!
Well, originally when I found out my landlord had put D-Con around and
didn't initially tell me, of course I went ballastic but even moreso
when I saw the dead mouse because I had absolutely no way of knowing if
the mouse had died from poisioning or if one of my furkids had actually
killed it.  Regardless, I was stunned to see my shy "little old man"
prancing around with his BELOVED PRIZE and hated to snatch it from him
but I did so because I was afraid Snowy could get poisioned if he ate the
mouse... there was just no way to tell if Snowy had been 'infected' so I
watched him last night hoping he'd be OK.
Problem was, Snowy had already been acting "under the weather" all this
week (diareaha, sluggish, sneezing, coughing) so I coudln't tell if he
was sick from possible poisioning or just a "cold." We were already
heading to the vet today anyway but what really made me panic was the
brown/green slimey poop Snowy did this morning so off we went immediately
to the vet, before our scheduled appointment!
Turns out Snowy is ok and didn't get any poison in him and dr.  thinks
he's just a bit stressed and rightfully so!!!  I've been trying so hard
to give them as stable an environment as possible over the past 1.5 yrs.
that I've had them but after 5 moves (1 of them cross country) and now
this poison scare, I'm sure it just put him over the edge.  Doc's advice
was that mommy needed to reduce her stress so that Snowy could, in turn,
reduce his.  Plus Snowball got Amoxicill and he likes that stuff so it
will be no problem giving it to him for the next few days....
I feel like the worst ferret mommy in the world, putting my babies
through such absolute chaos over the past year of their lives.  I'm SOOOO
hoping that this is the LAST move for quite a long time and that they can
finally settle into this new home without further anxiety and worries.  I
KNOW they feel scattered and stressed and disoriented - I see it in them
and it breaks my heart!!!!  I just wish they could know just how much I
HAVE given up so that they could have a good home someday ... I work long
hours so that I have the money to take care of all their needs and have
turned down LOTS of REALLY great living situations that wouldn't welcome
us as a "package deal but all they know is that they keep getting moved
around and I HATE THAT!!!!
Well, the important thing now is that we will all be in a great place
as of Sunday night and I'm so relieved!  It's still going to be a bit
cramped until the "other roommate" moves out in 2 weeks and I can move
into my permanent room but for right now I'll be in a great guest
bedroom with my kiddos and it's plenty spacious.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this FINAL
transition.... esp. since it was just confirmed today that my Sasha
is indeed showing signs of adrenal.  But at least I caught this in its
early stage so I'm going to do my best for her moving forward.
Thanks so much all of you for your kind words and support :-)  What
blessings you have all been to all 3 of us!!!
Jennifer Sasha & Snowball in Seattle
[Posted in FML issue 4486]