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Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 12:47:40 -0400
From: The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
Parts/Attachments: text/plain (46 lines)
Hello my dearest friends.  mommie is up to her usual daft tricks again!
As i told you last week, we took in a pair called Razzle & Dazzle.  i
also told you how Dazzle nipped auntie Olympia on the nose so mommie
should have known better.  there she went with her kissing face and
Dazzle would have nothing to do with it.  Now mommie has 2 really big
gashes on her nose *ouch!*
The pet show went well and the shelter got the chance to do an outdoor
life show in June.  This is exciting to them because it's a show for
hunters and farmers in the area where their problems with back yard
breeders have been.  Auntie Paige has already warned mommie not to beat
up the breeders, she is worried mommie will make the front page of the
news "Shelter Mom Goes to Jail for Beating up Old Farmer".
Ken went in last week for a check up of his hip.  He's doing very well.
He is only allowed out for very short (20 mins) run times.  He is now
even trying to war dance, something he has not done in a VERY long time!
Even Barbie is much happier and the attitude of mommie's dolls is
Auntie Olympia took mommie with her to Guelph for Ken's check up.  i'm
not so sure that was a good idea.  mommie is not fond of this years
intern and blurted out how she thought he was close minded when he told
mommie that ferret owners shouldn't be diagnosing their own ferrets with
adrenal disease - they should leave that up to him.
mommie doesn't agree with that and she blatantly told him that (poor
intern).  mommie believes that good ferret owners can tell the first
signs of disease and that vets SHOULD listen to ferret owners.  Next
year's intern was present and she said she totally agreed with mommie.
my mommie just smiled and told her that they would get along just fine
next term :) i think auntie Olympia was relieved when mommie got off
her soapbox :)
Avery and Bronte have become a true item.  They have decided that they
want to move in together (cheeky pair) and mommie has allowed it (she's
quite liberal that way even though they are quite young).  Bronte crawled
into bed on Saturday and Avery followed him into his cage.  They snuggle
together and "dook" at each other.  mommie thinks it very cute.
All my love as always, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4480]